The Udayana University Faculty of Medicine supports the expansion of medical services at Pasangkayu Hospital in West Sulawesi's Pasangkayu Regency.

The Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) fulfilled an invitation from the Director of the Pasangkayu Hospital, to see firsthand the readiness of the Pasangkayu Hospital as a network of vehicles for independent senior residents of anesthesiology and intensive therapy as well as obstetrics and gynecology. This is in line with the spirit of FK Unud in its efforts to participate in improving the quality and continuity of health services in regional public hospitals that require independent senior residents.

The visitation team of the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University conducted a visitation and monev from 30 January to 1 February 2023, based on the cooperation agreement between the Pasangkayu Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University Number 435/783.a/2021/RSUD and Number B/49/UN14.2.2/HK. 07.00/2021 regarding the implementation of public health services in the field of anesthesiology and intensive therapy, internal medicine and pediatric health at the Pasangkayu Hospital. The Cooperation Agreement needs to be added to because of the need for a senior resident doctor in obstetrics and gynecology. Collaborative efforts to improve health services are currently focused on anesthesiology and intensive therapy as well as obstetrics and gynecology health services.

The director of the Pasangkayu Hospital, dr. Welly Patana Salu, Sp.B., received the arrival of the visitation team and monitoring and evaluation of FK Unud at the Pasangkayu Hospital. He expressed his gratitude for the willingness of the Unud FK team to build cooperation again to improve health services at the Pasangkayu Hospital, especially sending senior residents of anesthesiology and intensive therapy and obstetrics and gynecology.

The event then continued with visits to several places at the Pasangkayu Hospital such as the Ponek room, operating room, ICU, Emergency Room, inpatient room, residential facilities for senior residents on duty, visit data, various cases and infrastructure related to health services, as well as those related to senior resident physician safety and security.

After the visit, the event was followed by the signing of a cooperation addendum, so that later the senior resident doctor who performs services at the Pasangkayu Hospital can work in accordance with the cooperation agreement agreed upon by the parties.

The FK Unud visitation and monev team was led by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dr.dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M.Kes; and accompanied by representatives of the Education Coordinating Committee (Komkordik) FK Unud/RSUP Prof. Ngoerah as well as a representative for the Obstetrics and Gynecology Study Program; dr. I Made Darmayasa, Sp.OG(K); Representative of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Study Program; dr. Pontisomaya Parami, Sp.An, MARS., FIC., and Cooperation Staff of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, I Nyoman Agus Triantara, SH.