Visit of the Execution of the Faculty of Law of Surakarta University to the Faculty of Law of Udayana University

Author: Visit Recipient Committee | Editor: UPIKS FH UNUD Team


Denpasar, – The University of Surakarta (UNSA) Faculty of Law team visited the Faculty of Law UNUD on Friday (27/01/2023) to execute the collaboration. The UNSA Faculty of Law team was received directly by the Deputy Dean II of the UNUD Faculty of Law (Dr. A.A. Ari Atu Dewi, S.H., M.H.) in the UNUD Faculty of Law Hall, Denpasar Campus.


The 3 agendas for the UNSA FH visit this time were: the signing of a cooperation agreement, sharing the implementation of the Freedom to Learn Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program and the National Seminar held by the Masters Study Program (S2) of Law FH UNUD. The signing of the collaboration and the implementation of activities was the first agenda carried out by both parties (FH UNUD and FH UNSA) then continued with MBKM Sharing and National Seminars.


The sharing of the implementation of the MBKM Program was carried out in the Vicon Room which was attended by 50 students and lecturers of the UNSA Faculty of Law Law Study Program. As for the 3 speakers, namely: Chairperson of the Working Group on MBKM FH UNUD (Cokorda Dalem Dahana, S.H., M.Kn), Lecturer of FH UNUD (Putu Edgar Tanaya, S.H., M.H.) and Head of Undergraduate Study Program (S1) Law FH UNSA (Asri Agustiwi, S.H., M.H.). Both parties shared experiences regarding implementation, constraints and obstacles experienced. UNUD Faculty of Law is one of the faculties at UNUD where many students take part in the MBKM Program, both from schemes issued by the Ministry and independent internship schemes. FH UNSA does not require its students to take part in the MBKM program. Elective courses are accommodated for the MBKM program.


In a different room, the Dean of the UNSA Faculty of Law (Dr. Susilowardani, S.H., M.Kn), lecturers and 90 students of the UNSA FH Law Masters Study Program attended a National Seminar "Examining the Presence of Indonesia's New Criminal Code in the Context of Protecting Human Rights and Realizing Justice ” located in the Hall Room of the Faculty of Law UNUD Denpasar Campus. This activity presented 3 resource persons: UNSA Faculty of Law Lecturer (Dr. Dara Pustika Sukma, S.H., M.H.) with material on the new Criminal Code in the Perspective of Justice, Lab Lecturer/Criminal Law Section of UNUD Faculty of Law (Dr. Diah Ratna Sari Hariyanto, S.H., M.H.) delivered material Study of the New Criminal Code: Urgency and Controversy, and students of the Masters (S2) Law Study Program, FH UNUD (I Komang Mahardika Wijaya S.H.) have the same title as the seminar. The National Seminar was moderated by Dr. Andrie Irawan, S.H., M.H. who is a Lecturer in FH UNSA.


Participants in the national seminar included Deputy Dean II, Deputy Dean III (Dr. I Made Bachelor, S.H., M.H.), Head of the UNUD Faculty of Law Senate (Dr. I Dewa Gede Palguna, S.H., M.Hum), lecturers and Masters Study Program students ( Master of Law FH UNUD was very enthusiastic about participating in the event and holding interactive discussions. Hopefully in the future there will be more implementation of collaboration between Faculty of Law UNUD and Faculty of Law UNSA.