FK Unud and Sidhakarya Institute collaborate to develop medical tourism in Bali.

In order to support efforts to develop medical tourism in Bali and to recognize the potential of the vehicles owned by the Sidhakarya Institute which can support the educational process at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, the Information and Cooperation Management Unit (UPIKS) of the Faculty of Medicine, in collaboration with the Sidhakarya Institute, is holding a hybrid seminar entitled " LINK AND MATCH Between Education and Industry in Medical Tourism" with the main location point in Prof.dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, FK-Denpasar Building. (26/1/2023)

This seminar presents 4 speakers who are very competent in their fields, namely:
1. Putu Eka Suryawan (Founder of Varash Suddan Nusantara
2. Ida Bagus Namarupa (Director of Junglegold Chocolate)
3. I Nyoman Yamadhiputra, SE., Ak., M.Si (Indonesian National Silat Family Warrior Self Defense)
4. I Gusti Ngurah Putra Eka Santosa, M.Fis., AIFO-K (Integrative Medical Practitioners & Author)
Guided by Dr.dr. Made Agus Hendrayana, M.Ked., Coordinator of the Travel Medicine Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University

This event was opened directly by the Dean of FK Unud, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., who in his remarks said that tourism is not only about natural beauty, but in the middle there is also the potential for medical tourism.

"The challenges in the field of medical tourism are enormous, for this reason we need collaboration, so FK Unud is currently inviting leaders from business, government and academics to develop the concept of medical tourism." he said

Considering that Travel Medicine is one of the flagships of FK Unud, this seminar is expected to be a springboard to support the development of medical tourism in Bali.

"Cooperation and collaboration between these 3 elements will support the development of medical tourism because all products produced by business people in the tourism sector have been scientifically tested.
I hope that through this event, we can support each other to advance medical tourism in Bali while maintaining the preservation of our culture and natural wealth," added Dr. Januartha.

This seminar was attended by 60 participants (during and offline) who came from students and teaching staff at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University