Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Celebrates 38th Birthday

The Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University held activities to celebrate the 38th Birthday and the Mechanical Engineering Family Board at the Mechanical Engineering Study Program Yard, Jimbaran Campus, Monday (26/12/2022). The celebration of the 38th anniversary began with a leisurely walk attended by the Chancellor of Udayana University, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Chair of the Dharma Wanita Association of Udayana University, Alumni, Leaders and Coordinating Study Programs within the Faculty of Engineering and the academic community of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program. On this occasion, the anniversary of the Mechanical Engineering Masters Program was also celebrated. Various activities were also carried out to enliven the event including competitions, dance and music performances, tumpeng cutting and door prize draws.



Coordinator of Mechanical Engineering Study Program I Putu Lokantara in his report said that the Study Program now has 8 professors and a total of 638 students. In terms of achievement, Mechanical Engineering students received a silver medal at PIMNAS which is very proud of and one of the students was admitted to a student with achievements up to the national level. The Weimana team also won 2nd place in Surabaya accompanied by great lecturers. Through this opportunity, his party also expressed their gratitude to the Chancellor who had facilitated the activity and also the sponsors who had supported the event as well as the Ups and Downs and the committee so that the event could be carried out.



The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, represented by Deputy Dean I Prof. I Nyoman Suprapta Winaya in his speech conveyed congratulations on the 38th birthday of BKTM. The Deputy Dean further said that the Study Program moved from B accreditation to two A's and continued to achieve Excellence in 2021 of course an extraordinary achievement and has been certified AUN QA and currently following international accreditation. Mechanical Engineering has received various grants and one of them is MBKM which will make Mechanical Engineering more successful in the future. Through this opportunity, his party also hopes for collaboration from alumni to be able to collaborate, for example MBKM which links students with industry. Besides that, in the future it is also hoped that there will be more cooperation both nationally and internationally.



Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Udayana University, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his remarks conveyed his birthday greetings and hopes that in the future the Study Program will be even more successful in carrying out its vision and vision and continue to be trusted by the community. The academic community in Mechanical Engineering can continue to exist in the future amid attacks from outside, not only outside Bali but also foreign universities. Togetherness is the capital to move forward. The Chancellor further said that Udayana University now has 120 study programs and 65 percent of them have won the Excellent, Very Good and A accreditation titles. Study programs that achieve B accreditation should improve themselves to become A or Excellent and those who excel will be upgraded to international accreditation. . The Mechanical Engineering Study Program has won two international levels, namely AUN QA and IABEE. Other study programs are expected to follow in the footsteps of this Mechanical Engineering Study Program. Accreditation is very important for a study program because it is an indicator of whether a study program is good or bad. There have also been many student achievements from the Faculty of Engineering and the number of outstanding students has become a benchmark for the Ministry regarding the progress of a tertiary institution.


Through this opportunity the Chancellor also conveyed related to the preparation of lecture infrastructure which would be focused on the Bukit Campus and plans for PTNBH Unud. Besides that, the Chancellor also mentioned graduates on time and graduates who get jobs as well as updating curriculum that is relevant to current needs. The Chancellor also expressed his gratitude for the hard work and achievements of the Study Programs and Faculties at this time.