Evaluation of Community Service and Cooperation at RSUD dr. Hendrikus Fernandez Larantuka, East Flores

Implementation of collaborative activities between the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and RSUD dr. Hendrikus Fernandez Larantuka in the field of community service was carried out in the form of airway management training for general practitioners and paramedics in the Larantuka District environment by dr. Pontisomaya Parami, Sp.An., MARS., FIC with the Unud FK Team (16/12/22).

As many as 45 participants who attended were very enthusiastic about participating in the hands-on training activities on a mannequin airway with a video laryngoscope. It is hoped that the skills of general practitioners and paramedics will increase in treating patients.

Community service activities are carried out simultaneously with monitoring and evaluating cooperation and looking at the completeness of facilities and infrastructure for health services for the Specialist Surgery and Hemodialysis Study Program at RSUD dr. Hendrikus Fernandez Larantuka

Mrs. Director of RSUD dr. Hendrikus Fernandez Larantuka, dr. Sanny welcomed the arrival of the Unud Faculty of Medicine Team. He said that the presence of an independent senior resident could reduce referrals and hoped for the continuation of cooperation in the tri dharma field of higher education.

Meanwhile, the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, FK Unud, Prof. dr. I Made Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D., expressed his gratitude for the trust of dr. Hendrikus Fernandez Larantuka to the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University which is in line with the spirit of the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in efforts to improve health services in Eastern Indonesia.

This activity was also attended by the Coordinator of UPIKS FK Unud, Dr. dr. Ida Ayu Ika Wahyuniari, S.Ked., M.Kes., dr. Nyoman Paramita Ayu, Sp.PD, and dr. Putu Astri Novianti, M. Biomed., Sp.B.