FK Unud Student Community Planting Mangrove Environmental Care

The Student Community Concerned for the Environment (KMPL) Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held the third day of Basic Training with the theme "Start With a Smile to Make the Earth Smile" where KMPL has hopes for basic training participants as the younger generation to become agents of change to start reviving a smile that has been silent all this time due to Covid - 19 which has caused no one to dare to touch their beloved land by trying to plan creative things to restore the greenness of the earth. (20/11/2022)

The third day of the 2022 KMPL Basic Training held mangrove planting activities at Akame Benoa in the morning. This activity was attended and opened by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, namely Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, M.P.H., Ph.D. Apart from that, this activity was also attended by the KMPL supervisor, namely Ni Made Utami Dwipayanti, ST., M.BEnv., PhD, and several from the Mangrove Ranger.

Latdas participants and the Latdas Committee carried out the transplanting of mangroves, in which prospective KMPL members moved the mangrove seedlings which were originally wrapped in polybags to a place made of wood and then woven. In addition, the Mangrove Ranger provided souvenirs to the latdas participants who had actively asked questions and followed and liked the Mangrove Ranger Instagram.

At the end of the activity, it was filled with handing over a certificate to the Mangrove Ranger from the KMPL 2022 Latdas Committee and a group photo