Computer Based Examination Center of the Indonesian Institute of Accountants at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University
As a form of commitment to improving the quality of graduates, especially in the field of Accounting, the Accountant Professional Education Study Program (PPAk), Bachelor of Accounting Study Program (PSSA), Diploma III Accounting Study Program and Diploma III Taxation Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University ( FEB Unud) held a joint activity, in the form of the Opening of the Computer Based Examination (CBE) Center for the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) at FEB Unud, which was coupled with a Workshop on Profession Introduction, Certification and Licenses in the Fields of Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (EMBA).
This activity was officially opened by the Dean of FEB Unud, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., and continued with the signing of the Cooperation Agreement for the Opening of the CBE Center, between IAI and FEB Unud.
On this occasion, IAI was represented by the Executive Director of the Central IAI, Elly Zarni Husin, Ak, CA., FCMA., CGMA; and FEB Unud was directly represented by the Dean Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. The Dean hopes that the existence of the CBE Center at FEB Unud will be able to accelerate the emergence of quality accounting professionals. The CBE Center is not only intended for graduates from FEB Unud, but also to assist graduates from the Accounting Science Study Program from FEB in various other universities, in the Province of Bali in particular, and the Eastern Indonesia Region in general.
Complementing the opening of the CBE Center, a Workshop on Profession Introduction, Certification and Licenses in the Fields of Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (EMBA) was held with two speakers, namely Mr. Agus Fredy Maradona, Ph.D., Ak., CA., CPA, from IAI Bali Region; and Mrs. Dr. dr. Putu Saroyini Piatrini, MM., Ak from LSP Udayana University. The workshop was enthusiastically attended by more than 170 participants, consisting of students and alumni of PPAk Study Program, Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, Diploma III in Accounting, and Diploma III in Taxation.