Opening of the Vegetable and Fruit Tiling Training in Cooperation with the Master of Dryland Agriculture with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste

Opening of the Vegetable and Fruit Tiling Training Event in collaboration with the Master of Dryland Agriculture with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor LesteThe opening of the International Vegetable and Fruit Tiling Training Event for the Staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste was held in the Puri Nusa Indah Hotel Meeting Room, Jl Waribang 99 Kesiman Petilan Denpasar on 7 November 2022, organized by the Master of Dry Land Agriculture in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste with the Faculty of Agriculture / Master of Dry Land Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Unud. Today's event was attended by the Vice Chancellor I of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja. M.P, Dean of FP, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana, M.M, Head of Undergraduate Study Program and Head of Master's Degree Study Program at the Faculty of Agriculture. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Timor Leste was attended by Cesar Jose de Crusz and his staff from the ministry, and the moderator for today's event was Dr. Ir. I Gede Wijana. M.P.

The main participants were 6 staff from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste, who were accompanied by 6 observers (beginning of the training), and 6 evaluation officers (at the end of the training). The resource person is a lecturer in Master of Dry Land Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Unud. This ToT is a continuation of the basic tiling ToT which was carried out in December 2019, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor Leste with the Faculty of Agriculture / Masters in Dry Land Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Unud. In 2022, there is still cooperation with the two parties.

This training was held on 06 – 28 November 2022 at Udayana University, Deppasar Bali Indonesia (Master's Study Program in Dry Land Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University as Coordinator), Buleleng Regency Agriculture Office, Fruit and Vegetable Gardens in Buleleng Regency, Tunas Dewata Nurseri, and Pak Oles Herbal Garden Denpasar. The theory and practice in the room are carried out in the dean's courtroom, Breeding and Seed Laboratory, Agronomy and Horticulture Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Unud. Field practice was carried out at the Buleleng Regency Agriculture Office, Fruit and Vegetable Gardens in Buleleng Regency, Tunas Dewata Nurseri, and Pak Oles Herbal Gardens Denpasar. The preparation of guidelines and evaluations were carried out in the Senate Room of the Faculty of Agriculture Unud on the Denpasar Campus.