Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University Participates in the Event of Vaccination of Mouth and Nail Diseases in Buleleng

The Department of Agriculture of Buleleng Regency held a Festival of Vaccination for Mouth and Nail Diseases (PMK). This activity aims to accelerate the target of 80% FMD vaccination in Bali, before the G20 which will be held on November 15, 2022. The FMD Vaccination Festival in Buleleng Regency this time, the Buleleng Regency Agriculture Office in collaboration with the Bali Province PMK Task Force, Animal Husbandry and Health Service Bali Province, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University (FVM UNUD), Buleleng Military District Command, Buleleng Resort Police, and Buleleng Regency Transportation Service. The PMK Vaccination Festival in Buleleng will be held until the end of October 2022.

The event started with the opening of the Buleleng PMK Vaccination Festival in Banyuning Village, Buleleng District. The event was attended by I Wayan Sunada as the Head of the Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Service of the Province of Bali representing the Regional Secretary of the Province of Bali, Gede Suyasa as the Regional Secretary of Buleleng Regency representing the Acting Regent of Buleleng, I Made Sumiarta as Head of the Buleleng Regency Agriculture Service, Head of Military District Command, Head of Buleleng Resort Police, Head of the Buleleng Regency Transportation Service, as well as Prof. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si. as the Dean of FVM UNUD.



In his remarks, Buleleng District Secretary Gede Suyasa said Buleleng Regency has the largest number of livestock in Bali after Karangasem Regency. For this reason, FMD vaccinatio

n needs to be carried out comprehensively in Buleleng Regency in order to significantly increase the PMK vaccination achievement in Bali Province. This is supported by the statement from the Head of the Livestock and Animal Health Service of Buleleng I Wayan Sunada that the central government has instructed all types of four-legged livestock in Bali to be vaccinated against PMK. So not only cattle, but also goats and pigs. This is also in line with the G20 implementation in Bali.



More than 100 FVM UNUD students and 10 supervisors who were divided into 50 teams were sent directly to Buleleng every week. The first period will be held on October 14-16, 2022, the second period will be held on October 21-23 2022, and the third period will be on October 28-30 2022.




In the first period, 50 teams were deployed in the villages of Giri Mas, Kerobokan, Jagaraga, Mengali, Galungan, Sekumpul, Kayu Putih, Wanagiri, Sawan, Sudaji, Lemukih, Bebetin, Bungkulan, and Sangsit villages. The target livestock that must be vaccinated is 11,000 livestock which includes cows, buffaloes, pigs, goats and sheep.



“This PMK vaccination celebration event is a good opportunity to apply the knowledge that students have gained in lectures. The hope is that this PMK can be quickly resolved in Bali, because it has a very real impact on the economy in Bali.” said the Dean of FVM UNUD I Nyoman Suartha.