Master of Sport Physiology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Unud Provides Education on Trekking Preparation and Injury Prevention in Sports Tourism in Buleleng

Not only known for its culture, Bali is also famous for the beauty of its mountains and beaches. Sport tourism is an alternative for tourists in Bali, which is a potential for Bali tourism. Besides being able to boost Bali tourism, sport tourism also supports the creative economy, increases foreign tourist visits to Bali and introduces Indonesian tourism destinations through international scale activities.


Supporting this tourism goal, the Master of Sports Physiology Study Program of FK Unud carries out Community Service which is packaged in the form of Counseling on Trekking Preparation and Injury Prevention in Trekking Sports Tourism in Munduk Village and Gobleg Village, Buleleng Bali, on October 14, 2022, located at Gobleg Village Hall , Buleleng, Bali.


It was officially opened by the Coordinator of the Master of Sport Physiology Study Program, FK Unud, Dr. dr. Luh Putu Ratna Sundari, M.Biomed., the event which was attended by 40 participants presented 3 speakers, namely:

1. dr. Nila Wahyuni, M. Fis

2. dr. Indira Vidiari Juhanna, M. Fis

3. Physio. Buda Kurniawan, S. Fis


This event was also supported by the Head of Gobleg Village Headquarters, I Made Separsa, and was attended by the Chairperson and members of the Tourism Awareness Group from Munduk Village and Gobleg Village, not to mention the students who took part in organizing this event.