Discussion of Student Organizations of the Faculty of Agriculture (OKFP) Responded by the Dean and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

One of the main tasks of DPM (Student Representative Council) Faculty of Agriculture is as a forum for students to channel suggestions, opinions and constructive criticism to educational institutions, especially at the Faculty of Agriculture, UNUD. To carry out this one task, DPM FP has gathered various Student Organizations of the Faculty of Agriculture (OKFP) to listen to the aspirations of the relevant institutions directly, interview students, and by holding a work program called Dean's Meeting.

Meet the Dean of FP 2022 with the theme "Ready to Change Faculty of Agriculture for the Better". This event was attended by all the Deans, namely the Dean of FP, Prof.Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Ustriyana, M.M, Deputy Dean I Dr.Ir. Ni Luh Kartini, MS, Deputy Dean 3, Dr. Ir. I Wayan Diara, MS. And the Head of Agroecotechnology S1 Study Program along with KTU and his staff. The event will be held on Friday, October 15, 2022 at the Bukit Jimbaran Campus, BI Building, Faculty of Agriculture, UNUD, starting at 10.00 WITA.

In this Dean's Meeting, there are several topics discussed by the Dean and Students, including the following:

• Presentations related to PTNBH as well as presentations related to Key Performance Indicators (KPI), generally there are 8 points that are emphasized are students get experience outside of campus. Bringing in practitioners to add to the KPI.

• There are some courses or curricula that are not appropriate.

• The purpose of MBKM is experience, but what is felt is that there has not been a place to convey their experiences after MBKM.

• Solutions from BEM FP UNUD: (1) Making any special credits that can be converted from MBKM, (2) Improvement of the curriculum that supports MBKM, (3) Evaluation of funding, (4) Additional unused Takino building to be used as a place efficiency option to do activities.