FH UNUD Attends the Cooperation Body Activities of the Dean of the FH PTN Eastern Region


activities of the Cooperation Agency (BKS) Dean of the FH PTN Eastern Region were held in Batu City, East Java from September 29 to October 1, 2022. The activity which took place at the Singhasari Hotel was attended by representatives from 23 Dean of the Eastern Region State University Faculty of Law. The Faculty of Law Universitas Brawijaya acts as the host for the activities that have been routinely carried out since March 2022. The representatives of the Faculty of Law of Unud who attended the activities: MIH Masters Study Program Koprodi, Dr. I Nyoman Bagiastra, SH, MH and the Head of the Journal Management Unit, I Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja, SH., M. Hum, LLM, PhD. This time the BKS FH PTN seeks to succeed in the national program, namely: the development and sustainability of the legal science curriculum, starting at the vocational level, strata I, strata II to strata III. The development and sustainability of the curriculum will later become a graduate standard which is the responsibility of the Government and Higher Education. This activity took a specific theme related to strengthening the MBKM curriculum at the Faculty of Law. The main concern of all delegates was how to align the MBKM curriculum into the Faculty of Law curriculum, especially in keeping the Learning Outcomes of Graduates achieved through the MBKM curriculum. There was a sharing session in this activity where representatives of the Faculty of Law Unud, Faculty of Law of Mataram University and Faculty of Law of Jember University conveyed the latest conditions for the implementation of MBKM in the Faculty of Law PTN and a series of problems and challenges faced in making the program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture Ristekdikti successful in 2020. (UPUKS&IT Team FH Unud)