Increase Knowledge About Dog and Cat Health, Professional Interest P-LO FVMUUND Held Upgrading in 2022


On Sunday, 25th of September 2022 Minpro Pet Learning-Organization organized Upgrading MINPRO P-LO 2022 with the theme "Let's Find Out More About the Standard of Physical Health for Your Beloved Cat and Dog" and invited an experienced speaker on the field, drh. Eka Andrijan Novianto.

This activity started with greetings by the head organizer, leader of MINPRO P-LO, leader of BEM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University. Continued by greetings by the Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, this time represented by the third vice dean, Dr. drh. I Wayan Sudira, M.Si.

This event is held to welcome and also as a way to introduce the new member of MINPRO P-LO and to give education on what is the standard of physical health of pet animals. Especially cat and dog.



As a whole, to decide wether or not an animal is healthy we need to pay attention to a few aspect which are temperature, respiration rate, heart rate, turgor, capillary refill time, the state of the mucose membran, rate of dehydration, the eye, ear, teeth, and mouth. We even have to watch for the mental state of the animal. All of this need to be known to ascertain the physical health of pet animals, for example temperature. Temperature can be an indication of an infection, hypothermia, and can even be used to determine prognoses.



Even though the speaker present the learning materials online, that does not limit the knowledge earned and enthusiasm of the participant. Especially during the game session which obviously, have prize for the winner.

By organizing this event, hopefully the earned knowledge can be useful and can be applied later as a veterinary practitioner for pet animal.