Guest Lecture Coastal hazards and adaptation in South Asia (Bangladesh), West Africa (Ghana), and Southeast Asia (Indonesia)

Agroecotechnology Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 held a Guest Lecture with the theme Coastal hazards and adaptation in South Asia (Bangladesh), West Africa (Ghana), and Southeast Asia (Indonesia) which was held offline in the Room Senate Meeting of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, Jl. P.B. Sudirman Denpasar and online via Webex. This guest lecture was held in a series of celebrations for the 55th Anniversary of the Faculty of Agriculture and the 44th BKFP.

This guest lecture event presented resource person Prof. Boris Braun and Konstantin Gisevius, M.Sc., from the Institute of Geography, University of Cologne, Germany. Prof. Boris Braun presented material on coastal hazards and adaptation in South Asia (Bangladesh) and West Africa (Ghana), while Konstantin Gisevius, M.Sc presented material on Coastal hazard adaptation and trans-local social capital in Indonesia.

The guest lecture, which was led by a lecturer in the Geographic Information System course, Putu Perdana Kusuma Wiguna, M.Sc, was officially opened by the Deputy Dean I, Mrs. Dr. Ni Luh Kartini, MP, and attended by students and lecturers at the Faculty of Agriculture, Unud. The two speakers explained how the differences in the adaptation of communities in Ghana, Bangladesh and Indonesia to the dangers of coastal disasters, especially sea level rise caused by climate change. “People in Ghana tend to migrate to the nearest neighboring country to avoid sea level rise in the coastal areas of their country, while Bangladeshi people migrate temporarily to cities or to other countries and then return to bring new knowledge to adapt to sea level rise”, so little explanation from Professor Boris Braun. Meanwhile, Indonesian residents, especially Semarang, choose to stay at home when there is a tidal flood or sea level rise for various reasons,” said Konstantin, a doctoral student who also conducts research in the coastal area of ??Denpasar City.

This guest lecture event was in great demand by the students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, marked by the large number of students who attended directly in the Senate Meeting Room of the Faculty of Agriculture. Participants in the guest lecture, which started at 1 pm, did not budge until the discussion and question and answer session ended at 3 pm.