The Delegation of the Faculty of Agriculture UNUD attended the National Seminar and Workshop of the Communication Forum of Indonesian Agricultural Universities (Eastern Indonesia Region) 2022

National Seminar and Workshop on Communication Forum of Indonesian Agricultural Universities (Eastern Indonesia Region) 2022, which will be held at Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan 14 -15 September 2022. The Delegation of the Faculty of Agriculture of Udayana University on this occasion consisted of the Dean, WD 2, Kooprodi Agrotechnology , UP2M and UP3M Faculty of Agriculture Unud.

From the results of on-site monitoring, this seminar and workshop was attended by 27 Deans of the Faculty of Agriculture from various universities in eastern Indonesia. This event presented three speakers, namely: Deputy for Consumption Diversification and Food Safety; Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology; and Joglo Tani under the Sky.

The results of direct monitoring at the location of seminars and workshops, UP3M Faculty of Agriculture Unud I Putu Sudiarta, Ph.D, stated that the MBKM curriculum has been running so far but on the other hand there are still differences in perception, so it has not been able to contribute properly to meet institutional KPIs. I Putu Sudiarta, Ph.D. believes that by attending these seminars and workshops, the MBKM curriculum at the Faculty of Agriculture can contribute to the Udayana University's KPI.

More Dr. Gede Mekse Korri Arisena, who on this occasion represented the Agribusiness Cooperative of the Faculty of Agriculture, Unud, welcomed the seminars and workshops, because this event discussed in depth the implementation of MBKM in each agency, independent agricultural accreditation institutions, international accreditation, cooperation between agencies (exchange of lecturers in guest lectures/teaching practitioners), 3-monthly rotating webinars for FKPTPI member agencies.