Congratulations and Success on the Inauguration of I Nyoman Suyatna as a Permanent Professor in the Field of State Administrative Law, FH UNUD


Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH., MH. He was inaugurated as a Permanent Professor on September 3, 2022 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Unud-Bukit Jimbaran Rector along with 8 other permanent professors. The addition of the number of professors at the Faculty of Law Unud will certainly affect the composition of teaching lecturers which is one of the important elements in the national accreditation assessment. In the inauguration ceremony, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH., MH. delivered a scientific oration entitled: "Formation of Good Regional Regulations in the Implementation of Regional Government." One of the authorities of regional government is to form regional regulations (Perda) which are the basis and guidelines for the implementation of regional autonomy. Because it serves as the basis and guideline for the administration of regional government, regional regulations must be made properly so that regional governments can be implemented properly. It is believed that good regional regulations will oversee the quality process of regional autonomy. Regional government administrators in forming good regional regulations must really pay attention to the importance of giving access to the community to participate and provide input. Community participation in the formation of a regional regulation is a preventive and responsive effort to prevent lawsuits from occurring when a regional regulation is implemented because it has responded early on to potential losses and problems that may be caused by the formation of a regional regulation. (UPIKS&IT FH Unud Team)