Field Evaluation of Anatomic Pathology Specialist Study Program Accreditation, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University


The Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Higher Education (LAM-PTKes) conducted a field assessment in the context of accreditation of the Anatomic Pathology Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. This accreditation is carried out to maintain and improve the quality of education and services at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.


Located in Dr A A Made Djelantik's room, Unud-Denpasar Medical Faculty Building, the field assessment by LAM-PTKes was held for 2 days from 29 to 30 August 2022 with 2 assessors, namely:

1. Prof. Dr. dr. Ambar Mudiqdo, Sp.PA(K) (Assessor 1)

2. dr. Barmadisatrio, Sp.BA(K) (Assessor 2)


The event began with remarks from the Dean of the Unud Medical Faculty, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes and opened by the Chancellor of Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng, IPU.

Dr. Januartha in his speech said that the Anatomic Pathology Specialist Study Program, FK Unud already has an educational system and standards that have produced many quality graduates and are spread throughout Indonesia.

"The quality of our graduates is unquestionable and in line with local, regional and global demands, we must continuously improve the quality of our graduates in order to compete in the future. That's why in the education process in the study program there must be a system that can guarantee all the learning processes has been running with the norms and standards that we previously set." he explained.


Furthermore, the Dean expressed his hope that the arrival of the assessor team would be able to improve the quality of the existing educational system and standards, so that the Anatomic Pathology Specialist Study Program in the future has graduates who are truly competent and have qualities that can compete at the regional, national and national levels. global.


"In this case, we have the Assessor team to see the gaps that we need to fix so that in the future we can maintain the quality of our students' graduates. And can see firsthand whether the documents submitted to LAM-PTKes are in accordance with those in the field We hope that in the future the anatomical pathology specialist study program will have graduates who are truly competent and have qualities that can compete at the regional, national, and global levels. We ask our assessor team to provide as much input as we can to improve the quality of learning in the Anatomic Pathology Specialist Study Program," he said.


Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Unud, Prof. Antara said that currently 64% of the study programs at Udayana University have been accredited as excellent and very good, and in the future Unud will develop the Clinical Nutrition Study Program, the BTKV Study Program, and the Medical Rehabilitation Study Program.  The Chancellor also expressed his hope that the Anatomic Pathology Specialist Study Program of FK Unud could increase its accreditation score to be superior or very good.


"We are very proud of the study program at FK Unud and the pride of Udayana University, we must maintain the responsibility of the trust of the community who sends their family members to school in the study program at FK Unud. We hope that the anatomic pathology specialist study program can increase its accreditation value to become Excellent or very good, and what is requested by the assessor team, please convey it properly so as not to reduce the assignment of the assessor team while at Udayana University," he said.


This activity was also attended by representatives from RSUP Prof. dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, Director of Unud Hospital, Head of LP3M Unud, Head of USDI, Head of Unud Library, Director and Representative of Network Hospital, Deputy Deans of FK Unud, Heads of Departments, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Coordinators, and the entire Accreditation Task Force Team.


Today's assessment agenda is;

1. A meeting of the assessor team with the head of the study program management unit and practice vehicle.

2. Discussion of the assessor team with the head of the Study Program management unit.

3. Interviews and assessments of lecturers who teach in the study program.

4. Interviews and assessments of the adequacy of education personnel regarding academic and non-academic services.

5. Interviews and assessments with alumni and students representing all students from each generation regarding academic and non-academic services.

6. Visit the assessor team to the Main Teaching Hospital