Benchmarking the Mkn FH UNUD Study Program to Mkn FH UNIBRAW


Study Program Team The Notary Masters Study Program (MKN) FH Unud consisting of Koprodi, UP3M Coordinator, TPPM, Home Base Lecturers, Tendik and students batch 2021 totaling 24 people carrying out benchmarking and academic visits to the MKN FH Study Program, Universitas Brawijaya (Unibraw), Malang on August 16, 2022. The MKN FH Unud Study Program team was received directly by the Dean of FH Unibraw, Koprodi MKN, Head of the Law Lab and students of the MKN FH Unibraw Study Program. The reason for choosing the MKN FH Unibraw Study Program as a benchmarking place is because it is one of the (similar) study programs in Indonesia that has been accredited as Superior. From the visit, the MKN FH Unud Study Program team got a lot of information about the fundamental elements of Superior accreditation: starting from the profile of graduates, CPL, curriculum, composition of teaching lecturers (Professors and Doctors), the involvement of foreign lecturers as teachers using the MoU/PKS instrument as the basis. , scientific publications of lecturers and students in international journals, the number of citations of scientific articles from lecturers and students and no less important about SPMI. For this reason, the MKN FH Unud Study Program Team will invite the MKN FH Unibraw Study Program Team to provide assistance in preparation for superior accreditation. (UPIKS&IT FH Unud Team)