The Surgeon Specialist Study Program holds the International College of Surgeon (ICS) Pacific Federation Meeting 2022


The Surgical Specialist Study Program FK UNUD in collaboration with the International College of Surgeon (ICS) in Indonesia held a CS Meeting with the theme "Rising Together For Better Surgical Service in the New Era" which presented external speakers as members of ICS Asia Pacific.


The event which was held in a hybrid manner (14/8/2022) was divided into 6 sessions with each session consisting of 3 speakers from Specialist Study Programs such as Digestive Surgery, Neurosurgery, Oncology Surgery, Urological Surgery, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Plastic Surgery, and ENT.


The event began with remarks from the Chair of the Committee, Chair of ICS Indonesia, Chair of ICS Asia Pacific and Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K) who also opened the event. In his remarks, he said that he hoped this event could be useful to increase knowledge and skills in the field of surgery.


This event also held a poster competition which was attended by 45 participants who were selected by the jury to select 10 posters with the 3 best posters presented in front of 4 judges to determine the winner. Poster winners will receive awards in the form of certificates and cash.


In addition, there was also a donation to the "Tat Wam Asi" orphanage in the form of cash from the ICS 2022 registration by representatives of ICS Indonesia Members. The event closed with a Gala Dinner which took place in Sanur.