Trilogi Open 2022

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Trilogy Open 2022 is a competition event in the form of a Project Plan organized by the Special Division of the Psychology Volunteer Team of HM Psychology FK UNUD. In this competition, participants can make a project plan with creative ideas related to our theme, namely “Youth Empowerment: The Key to Creating A Better Future”. The Trilogy Open 2022 was also held in an effort to commemorate International Youth Day.

The event was attended and opened by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M.Kes., who in his speech hoped that this competition could prepare the nation's next generation to be ready to become the nation's leaders in the future.

"We support activities that aim to accommodate the potential of students in seeking creative ideas. Especially in the field of volunteerism in psychology which will be needed later, because we do not know what we will face in the future. And as we all know progress The nation is on the shoulders of today's young generation. I am proud because this trilogy trains the sensitivity of the younger generation to social problems so that from the beginning it has been forged and trained to become leaders." said Dr. Sudarmaja

This competition was participated by 4 groups from several study programs at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and this time the competition was won by:
a. The Jouska Group from the Psychology Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine, UNUD, won the first place
b. The WBT Group from the Psychology and Medical Education Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, UNUD, won the second place
c. BE Group from the Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, UNUD, won the third place