The Accounting Undergraduate Study Program Conducts Dissemination Activities for Odd Semester 2022/2023 Learning Activities

Welcoming the 2022/2023 Odd Semester lectures, which will be held from August 29 s.d. December 23, 2022, the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (PSSA FEB Unud) carried out the dissemination of learning activities. The activity took place on Friday, August 5, 2022, at Room MM 3.1 FEB Unud. The agenda discussed at the event were: 1) Learning Process Plan for Odd Semester 2022/2023; 2) Socialization of the 2022 Curriculum; 3) Socialization of the 2022 MBKM Implementation; 4) Socialization of the Global Engagement Program - English Language Class Program; and 5) SNA XXV Kendari (07 – 09 September 2022).



The dissemination activity was attended by 33 lecturers from 49 invited lecturers and 6 committee members. The event was opened directly by Koprodi Bachelor of Accounting, Dr. Eka Ardhani Sisdyani, SE., M.Com., Ak., C.A. and continued with an explanation of the plan for implementing learning activities in the 2022/2023 Odd Semester. The meeting was held early because of the urgency to socialize the 2022 Curriculum. The 2022 curriculum was prepared to accommodate the Independent Learning National Program - Independent Campus, and adapt the curriculum to the needs of the business world and industry, based on international accounting education standards.














n connection with the MBKM program, there were several things that were discussed, namely related to the conversion of courses and the procedure for taking these courses. The MBKM program provides an opportunity for 3 semesters for each student to take courses outside the study program, including through student exchanges, industrial internships, thematic KKN, independent studies, teaching in villages, and as researchers. The socialization of the English Language Class Program (ELCP), which is part of the Global Engagement Program, has a long-term goal of pioneering the Join Degree program with overseas campuses. This program is valid for students of the Class of 2022/2023.



The last material is SNA XXV in Kendari. The 25th SNA activity in Kendari will be attended by students and lecturers whose articles have passed. This SNA activity was carried out both offline and online. The seminar ended with a discussion, lunch, and a group photo.