Coordination of Participants and Field Supervisors for the Community Service Program Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University to the Department of Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Residential Areas of Bangli Regency

Participants and Field Supervisors for the Community Service Program Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University coordinated with the Department of Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Residential Areas of Bangli Regency. This year, the Community Service Program at the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University was attended by students from the Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering and Information Technology Study Programs. The coordination was carried out on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at the Office of the Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Settlement Areas of Bangli Regency. Present at this coordination activity, the Head of Service and representatives from the Human Settlements Division of the Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Settlement Areas of Bangli Regency.


The Community Service Program is a form of the Independent Learning Campus program conducted by the Research and Community Service Institute of Udayana University. The Community Service Program by participants from the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University will be implemented in 3 villages, namely Batur Tengah Village, Kedisan Village and Buahan Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency. For this reason, participants and field supervisors coordinate with the Department of Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Settlement Areas of Bangli Regency in order to obtain directions regarding appropriate programs to be implemented at the Community Service Program location. The Community Service Program activities will focus on 3 main areas, namely the Rural Drinking Water Supply System, the Wastewater and Solid Waste Management System.


In this coordination activity, participants and Community Service Program Field Supervisors conveyed several things related to the implementation of this Community Service Program. The Department of Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Settlement Areas of Bangli Regency welcomes the implementation of this Community Service Program, which of course is expected to be useful for the village where the Community Service Program is located, particularly related to drinking water, wastewater and garbage. These programs are related to the Human Settlements Sector at the Department of Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Settlement Areas of Bangli Regency, so that in the future it is hoped that more intensive coordination will be carried out in related fields.


After coordinating with the Department of Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Residential Areas of Bangli Regency, participants who are students and field supervisors from the Environmental Engineering Study Program and Civil Engineering Study Program who were also present to accompany the students, continued the activities by conducting a preliminary survey and gathering information. initial to each village where the Community Service Program is located. Coordinator of Environmental Engineering Study Program, Ir. Kadek Diana Harmayani, ST, MT, Ph.D. conveyed that the information obtained in the Village would later be used in the preparation of activity proposals, which covered 3 main topics, namely drinking water supply, waste water management and waste management. This activity is different from the Community Service Program activities in general, which are more directed at technical studies or planning. However, socialization and education activities can also be programmed as long as they are related to the main topic.