Masters Program in Agroecotechnology FP Unud accepts the BAN-PT Assessor Team to conduct an Online Field Assessment

Denpasar - Agroecotechnology Masters Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (FP Unud) participated in a field assessment that took place online through the Zoom Meeting application by the Assessor Team of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) for 2 days from 6 to 7 July 2022 in the context of study program accreditation.


The opening of the assessment was attended by the Chancellor of Unud, Chair of LP3M, Head of LPPM, Head of Library UPT, Secretary of USDI, Dean of FP and the ranks along with Coorprodi and Taskforce Teams as well as other invitees in the Senate Meeting Room of FP Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus Denpasar. The Assessor Team that carried out the assessment, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Achmad Chozin, M.Agr (IPB) and Prof. Ir. Totok Agung Dwi Haryanto, Ph.D (Unsoed)


Unud Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech conveyed in general about Udayana University which is 60 years old this year, hopefully in the future it will be better. Some time ago, Unud received the title of Excellent institutional accreditation. From the mapping, about 70 percent of Study Programs have been accredited very well and excellently and the rest are accredited well. This is the capital to work hard to encourage accredited study programs to be either excellent or superior. This is a challenge, then those who are already superior will be encouraged to become internationally accredited study programs. This is a roadmap for the future development of the Study Program.

On the occasion, the Chancellor also informed that there are 9 study programs that are internationally accredited and this year, 14 study programs are programmed and next year 12 study programs. It is hoped that next year Unud will have around 35 internationally accredited study programs. It is also hoped that the Master Program in Agroecotechnology can be one of them. His party has also paid attention to this Study Program which already has qualified human resources, besides that the networking is also very good and has played its function at the regional level and even the network has reached overseas so that learning can take place well. With the capital already owned, it is hoped that it will provide added value for the Study Program. The Chancellor hopes that the event will run smoothly according to mutual expectations and the development of the Study Program will contribute to Udayana University. Inputs from assessors are also highly expected to be studied further so that the implementation of Tridharma in Study Programs can run according to mutual expectations.

Meanwhile, the representative of the Assessor Team, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Achmad Chozin, M.Agr said that his party as an assessor was assigned by BAN-PT to carry out field assessments in the Agroecotechnology Masters Study Program, FP Unud. In fact, wanting to be able to go offline is not allowed, and this does not reduce its meaning through online implementation. The assessors expressed their gratitude for the acceptance from Unud, which was received directly by the Chancellor which is very rare and this is a manifestation of the leadership's excellent commitment to the development of study programs. During these two days his party will conduct an online assessment and want to do a photo shoot so that what is conveyed in the report really matches the original. In carrying out this assessment, it is important to be open to each other and see from all points of view.