FK Unud and BBM Medindo Cooperation Support the G20 Event in Bali

In order to prepare Bali as a place for Medical Tourism and to support the G20 event, the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in collaboration with BBM Medindo held the Bali International Emergency Battle Summit online (3/7/2022).

This event raised the topic of "Time Saving, Life Saving, and Save the World" based on the concept of tridimensional evacuation, namely land, water and air. In line with supporting the G20 event in Bali, this activity was attended by participants from nurses and doctors from various countries.

The Dean of FK Unud, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., in his speech expressed his great appreciation for the activities organized by BBM Medindo in order to support the success of the G20 event by providing knowledge about emergency evacuation cases on land, water and air.

"We hope that this collaboration can continue in the future as a continuous effort to be able to help the community anticipate matters related to health." he said.

This event invites 3 (three) resource persons who are competent in their fields, namely:

1. dr. Harry Wicaksana, Sp.KP., ACCAM

2. Dr. dr. I Gst. Agung Gede Utara H., Sp.An., MARS., SH.

3. Ns. I Putu Artawan, S.Kep