Unit Interprofessional Education (IPE) FK Unud Increase Elderly Knowledge About the Importance of Quality Sleep

Carrying out the tridharma mandate of higher education in terms of community service, the Interprofessional Education Unit FK Unud Team held community service activities in Banjar Kertha Buana, Denpasar.(3/7/2022)

This activity was attended by the Village Secretary, Chair of the Elderly, Kelian Banjar, IPE Unit Coordinator, IPE teams from various professions, and the elderly.

The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge of the elderly regarding sleep hygiene, tips for maintaining quality sleep, stress management, health checks, and interviews related to sleep conditions.

The event began by inviting the elderly to do elderly gymnastics and brain vitalization exercises to maintain good brain function in addition to physical function. After the exercise, the counseling session was given by the Coordinator of the IPE Unit, Dr.dr. Urged Ketut Indrasari Utami, Sp.S(K). The elderly, totaling about 50 people, were very enthusiastic about participating in this event, and had a lot of discussions related to their sleep disorders.

Activities like this are expected by the community to be carried out on an ongoing basis so that the elderly remain healthy, enthusiastic, and productive.