BEM FH UNUD Invited as Speaker for Dialogue Cross Denpasar Afternoon at Pro 1 RRI Denpasar

Denpasar--The Committee for Socialization of Law and Assisted Villages 2022 (Soshum Desbin 2022) consisting of the Student Executive Board (BEM) FH Unud was invited to be a resource person at Pro 1 Radio Republik Indonesia ( RRI) on Monday (27/06), broadcast live at 11.00-12.00 WITA. Dr. AA Ari Atu Dewi, SH., MH (permanent lecturer of FH Unud) accompanied 2 members of the BEM FH Unud who were the speakers: I Kadek Dwika Mahotama Putra and I Putu Gede Dalem in the dialogue. The Soshum Desbin 2022 committee was invited as a resource person for raising the issue of Mertajati Forest Sustainability which is currently being fought for to become a customary forest by the local community. Mertajati forest, which is currently managed by the state, has experienced a significant decline in quality. This is because hunting and logging are brutally carried out by irresponsible persons. (UPIKS&IT Team FH Unud)