Specialist Study Program of Surgery Faculty of Medicine Unud Holds Social Service in Pinggan Village

Realizing the implementation of the tridharma of higher education in the field of community service, the specialist study program of Surgical Sciences FK Unud carries out social service activities at the Pinggan village hall, Kintamani sub-district, Bangli. (25/06/2022)

The event began with an opening by the Head of the Department of Surgery, FK Unud, dr. I Made Darmajaya, Sp.B-Sp.BA(K)., MARS., Coordinator of the Surgical Specialist Study Program, Dr. dr. I Made Mulyawan, Sp.B-KBD., and the Head of Pinggan Village. This activity was enthusiastically welcomed by local residents while still adhering to the applicable health protocols.

This activity was also attended by surgical students (residents), staff of the surgical study program, and alumni of the surgical specialist study program at FK Unud.

The activity was filled with public education about mumps and snakebites, free treatment accompanied by simple blood tests such as blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid. Patients who need drugs will be examined on the examination table and then given a prescription to be exchanged for drugs. This activity is also accompanied by tumor screening and minor surgical activities. If further action or treatment is required, the patient will be given a certificate and educated to go to a further health facility.

Not only that, the surgical specialist study program also held vasectomy activities in collaboration with the BKKBN and the Pinggan community health center, and did not forget to provide assistance in the form of basic necessities to people in need.

The activity closed with praying together at Pura Dalem Balingkang to express gratitude because the entire series of social service activities in Pinggan village, Kintamani sub-district, Bangli had run smoothly and successfully.

This social service activity is expected to be carried out in a sustainable manner in the future as part of the application of the Tridharma of Higher Education.