Psylebrate 2022


Psylebrate is a work program from the Psychology Student Association of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University as a celebration of the Birthday of the Psychology Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.

This year, Psylebrate raised the theme "Aerglow: Illumination of Empyrean" which was carried out offline. (26/6/2022)

The Psylebrate 2022 celebration was attended by the Deputy Dean of Student Affairs and Information, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, S.Ked., M.P.H.,Ph.D., who in his speech conveyed the message that Psylebrate activities could provide benefits, especially for establishing closer family ties with fellow families of the Psychology Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine UNUD.

The Psylebrate 2022 event was also attended by the Coordinator of the Psychology Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine UNUD, Dr. Ni Made Swasti Wulanyani, S.Psi., M.Erg., Psi., Psychology educators of FK UNUD, Chair of HM Psychology of FK UNUD, Deputy Chair of BEM FK UNUD, and the entire Psylebrate 2022 committee.