Conference of Members of the Scientific Group of Hippocrates (KIH FK) 2022


The Hippocratic Scientific Group of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (KIH FK UNUD) held a Member Conference (Musang) with the theme "Raise Your Voice, Strengthen the Unity" for 2 days, namely Saturday-Sunday, 24-25 June 2022 online and semi-offline.

The event was attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, S.Ked., SpOT(K), KIH coach, all members of KIH FK UNUD, Chair of KIH FK UNUD, and Chair of BEM FK UNUD.

Dr. Eka in his speech said that this activity is expected to provide benefits for all members of KIH FK UNUD, develop potential and future achievements that can make FK UNUD proud.

The Member's Deliberation (Weasel) was held with the aim of reporting the accountability report (LPJ) for the management of KIH FK UNUD for the period 2021/2022, selecting the chairman of the KIH FK UNUD for the period 2022/2023, discussing AD/ART, and increasing intimacy among members of the KIH FK UNUD.