FMIPA carries out offline effects for prospective graduates for the period of June 2022

FMPA carries out offline effects for prospective graduates for the period of June 2022  Thursday, June 23, 2022, at the Nusantara Hall, Agrocomplex Building of Udayana University, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University carried out offline activities for prospective graduates for the June 2022 period. The event was attended by the Dean of FMIPA (Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D), Chair of the FMIPA Senate, Prof. Dr. Rer. Nat. Drs I Made Agus Gelgel WIrasuta, Apt. M.Si, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning Drs. NO. Gandhiadi, M.T. Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Drs. I Made Sukadana, M,.Si, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Prof. Ni Nyoman Rupiasih, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D, unit heads, Study Program Coordinators, lecturer representatives, prospective alumni, and representatives of alumni parents.  Deputy Dean for Academics and Planning Dr. Drs. G. K Gandhiadi, M.T as Chairman of the Committee reads the decision to release prospective graduates in June 2022. Of the 54 prospective undergraduate graduates consisting of 7 chemistry undergraduate students, 3 physics undergraduate students, 1 biology undergraduate student, 5 mathematics undergraduate students, 24 pharmacy undergraduate students, 9 informatics undergraduate students. In leaving the impression this time the best graduate was achieved by the Informatics Student on behalf of I made satria bimantara NIM 1808561013, S.Kom. with a 4.00 GPA With Compliments. The best graduate at the FMIPA level is also the best graduate at the Udayana University level. This is very proud for us. Hopefully all can bring our Alma mater to a better level.


In his speech, the Dean of Fmipa Dra, Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D stated that we are very happy as educators of FMIPA UNUD, we have been able to graduate all of our brothers and sisters. We hope that the skills that you get will be passed on to a better level to pursue your career. FMIPA UNUD also has a Masters (S2) program so that students can continue in FMIPA. Watiniasih further hopes that later the alumni can be successful in all fields. FMIPA continues to improve to improve learning so that it can make a good contribution. We also hope that you can fill out study tracers organized by universities and faculties, this study tracer will later be used as material for improvement from us as educators. We also convey our respect and gratitude to the honorable fathers/mothers of the parents of the brothers and sisters, Mother congratulates the brothers and sisters, wishing you more success.  Furthermore, I made satria bimantara as the best graduate for the period of june 2022 in his impression and message conveyed his gratitude to God, to the academics of FMIPA UNUD for giving the best graduates. We have completed the past tasks, so much knowledge we have gained. memorable thing Especially in the informatics study program, we get honesty and team work. I also thank the informatics lecturer because we got the best knowledge so far. We also thank all the academics at FMIPA Unud for the best service. We also do not forget to express our deepest gratitude to our parents who have supported us all this time. We apologize to all the FMIPA Unud academic community for all the mistakes we have made. We hope that the name of FMIPA Unud will be more fragrant and more successful. Please take good care of the name of our alma mater.  As the end of the activity, in the impressions of parents' representatives conveyed by Satria Bimantara's parents, it was stated that we as representatives of alumni parents, thank the lecturers and academics of FMIPA for the education given to our children to live their lives in the future. Ladies and gentlemen, lecturers and big families that we are proud of, We apologize to mothers and fathers if there are mistakes from our children. We really believe in FMIPA UNUD who have educated our children so that they become the best today, and hopefully they can also be the best in the next level. We parents are very happy because our children can complete their college assignments well. We are very grateful to all those who have made our children the best so far.  The off-the-spot activity ended with a group photo.