Field Assessment of Accreditation of Doctoral Study Program in Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University


To maintain and improve the quality of education and services, the Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Higher Education (LAM-PTKes) conducts field assessments in the context of accreditation of the Doctoral Study Program of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. Located in Dr A A Made Djelantik's room, the field assessment by LAM-PTKes was held for 2 days from 21 to 22 June 2022 with 2 assessors, namely:

1. Dr. dr. Yuliarni Syafrita, Sp.S (K) (Assessor 1)

2. dr. Paramasari Dirgahayu, Ph.D (Assessor 2)


The event began with remarks from the Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning, FK Unud, Dr.dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT (K) and opened by the Vice Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation, and Information at Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes.

Dr. Eka in his speech expressed his gratitude to the team of assessors who have taken the time to be able to attend this event amidst the very busy schedule of offline accreditation being carried out in Indonesia.

"The Doctoral Study Program in Medical Sciences has been accredited online with excellent results, we really hope for the assessor team for their input, so that the superior results can become pure excellence." he said


Prof. Adiatmika on this occasion said that this year Udayana University will proceed to PTNBH and RS. Udayana University will become a G20 referral hospital.

“Udayana really supports this field assessment to get input from the assessor team so that it can add to the progress of Doctoral Science in Medicine in particular. Accreditation is very important in order to maintain quality in a continuous quality assurance process. And Udayana is included in 27 universities that have received excellent scores. We really hope for input and findings from the assessor team so that the Doctoral Study Program in Medical Sciences becomes fully Superior.” said Prof. Adiatmika.


This activity was also attended by the Director of Human Resources and Education at the Unud Hospital, the Chair of the Unud LP3M, the Head of USDI, the Chair of the Unud Library, the Deputy Deans of the Unud Medical Faculty, the Heads of Departments, the Study Program Coordinators, the Unit Coordinators, and the entire Accreditation Task Force Team.


Today's assessment agenda is;

1. Meeting of the assessor team with the head of the study program management unit, and a vehicle for practice

2. Presentation and clarification by the head of the study program management unit

3. Discussion of the assessor team with the head of the study program management unit

4. Interviews and assessments of the adequacy of lecturers who teach in the study program.

5. Interviews and assessments of the adequacy of education personnel regarding academic and non-academic services.

6. Interviews and assessments with students representing all students from each class regarding academic and non-academic services.

7. Search the field for infrastructure