Study Group Robot Team, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Wins at Nec Futurest 2022

The Robot Study Group team continues to provide proud news to the Faculty of Engineering. With a work entitled "PETRASHED (Peltier Electric Organic Trash Powered) Machine Converting Organic Waste into Electrical Energy Using the TEC 12706 Module as a Thermoelectric Generator" and under the guidance of Mr. Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Janardana, M.Erg. this team won 3rd place in the Renewable Energy Innovation Brainstorm FUTUREST 2022 event. In the final round of this competition the Robot Study Group Team competed with 4 teams from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, 3 teams from Gadjah Mada University, 1 team from the University of Indonesia, 1 team from Andalas University, and 1 team from the Bandung Institute of Technology.

Renewable Energy Innovation Brainstorm FUTUREST 2022 is one of the events held by the ITS Society of Renewable Energy. The Robot Study Group Team itself participated in the 2022 Futurest Scientific Writing Competition. This event aims to explore various innovations in renewable energy. Previously, the KSR team was required to submit a full paper as an initial requirement to participate in the following competition. Later, from this full paper, only 10 teams will be able to enter the final round and present their work in front of the judges. Armed with the experience and advice of the judges in previous competitions, the work created by the Robot Study Group Team continues to be developed from design, concept, to the final product produced.

“The tool we made is an improvement on the tools we made before. The previous tool had quite a few drawbacks, especially the absence of a filter that could reduce the emissions from combustion.” said Widi as the head of the Robot Study Group Team. According to him, Indonesia has a lot of potential for organic waste that can be used as a medium to generate electrical energy. “Using waste leaves, wood/twigs, and coconut shells as fuel, this PETRASHED device is capable of generating 500.24 Wh of electrical energy in 8 working hours of operation. In addition, the residue from the combustion of this tool in the form of charcoal and ashes can also be sold so that it can increase the income of its users.” continued Widi.

Becoming a champion at NEC Futurest 2022, hopefully it can be a motivation for other students to be able to develop and continue to provide various innovations in their respective fields. Especially in the field of renewable energy which is currently being intensively promoted by the Indonesian government. So that in the future it can make Indonesia free from the use of thermal energy derived from fossils and coal.