MenJaDoel: Heritage in Concoction, Reminds the Young Generation of the Importance of Preserving the Culture of Drinking Herbal Medicine

Badung, June 12, 2022 - It is undeniable that the modernization of the times has affected the lifestyle, way of dressing and the culture of drinking herbal medicine for the Indonesian people. The younger generation today is often reluctant to preserve Indonesian cultural heritage, such as clothing, music, and herbal drinks. 

Therefore, to help remind Millennial and Gen Z generations the importance of preserving the culture and existence of herbal medicine in the community, students of the Communication Studies Program at Udayana University Class of 2019 together with Rumah Reina collaborated through a series of MenJaDoel (Men-Jamoe Doeloe) campaigns. 

The highlight of the MenJaDoel campaign event was officially held on Sunday, June 12, 2022 at Geo Open Space, Jalan Raya Kedampang - Kerobokan Kelod, North Kuta, Badung. 

The event opened at 15.00 WITA and lasted until 22.00 WITA. MenJaDoel activities began with the opening of the Sunday Market which has collaborated with culinary, fashion, and artistic crafts in Bali. The MenJaDoel campaign was held using a touch of the past combined with styles favored by Gen Z and Millennials, where every visitor who attended wore a batik-themed dress code and also clothed. 

Furthermore, the MenJaDoel event was officially opened with remarks from the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee, "In order to make the younger generation aware of the importance of herbal medicine and to change the stigma of bitter herbal medicine, we held a MenJaDoel event", explained Oktava Anggara as Deputy Chair of the MenJaDoel Committee. The MenJaDoel campaign with Rumah Reina has held an activity entitled "MenJaDoel: Heritage in Concoction". “Young people are guardians of values, where of course young people are the ones who raise the values of the existing society. Especially in Bali, preserving and enhancing cultural values that must always be preserved is important. With MenJaDoel, this is the implementation of the Public Relations Activity course from the Communication Studies Study Program at Udayana University which is a representation of the current youth generation's efforts to preserve culture, especially herbal medicine," said Ayu Aryani, the owner of the Reina House in the MenJaDoel Talkshow. 

Besides Ibu Ayu Aryani, the key opinion leader from MenJaDoel, Julia Ratih Gita Dwiyana Sitompul, B.BA also explained the importance of preserving Indonesian culture, especially herbal medicine in the MenJaDoel Talkshow. “The young generation holds a responsibility, honor, and also a challenge to preserve our culture to our grandchildren. We must be able to introduce herbal medicine not only to our friends but also to normal around the world, just like batik. We need to work hand in hand to promote herbal medicine, and that starts with ourselves, only then can we introduce herbal medicine to the people around us,” explained Julia Ratih Gita Dwiyana Sitompul, B.BA. 

In addition to holding talk shows, there are a number of main activities that are interesting and certainly educate the visitors, namely demonstrations of making herbal medicine, games about herbal medicine with visitors, attraction of jamu carrying runaway, as well as various other art performances that enliven the peak of the MenJaDoel event. 

At the end of the event, it was closed with a closing statement from the Chairperson of the MenJaDoel Committee, Ida Ayu Fabiola Grace, "I as the representative face of Communication Studies 2019 would like to thank the visitors who have participated in batik and clothed clothes following the theme of our activity. Not to forget the MSMEs who have been willing to collaborate with MenJaDoel. Also thanks to Geo Open Space, Rumah Reina, and all sponsors who are willing to sponsor our event, to media partners, talents, and of course a big thank you to friends of Communication Science Class of 2019 who have contributed greatly to the implementation and smooth running of the event. MenJaDoel this. It is hoped that with MenJaDoel, the younger generation, like myself and my Communication Studies friends, will be able to be literate towards herbal medicine and also Indonesian traditional clothing, namely batik. Not ashamed to make batik at any event and be anywhere. Don't be ashamed to drink jamu as your favorite drink every day because jamu has a lot of benefits. Let us, as the young generation, revive the existence of herbal medicine and batik culture in the midst of Indonesia's young generation today". 

Even though the main event ended at 21.00 WITA, the MenJaDoel event was still open for visitors to enjoy the atmosphere and various culinary, fashion and craft offerings from local Balinese SMEs until 22.00 WITA.