FK Unud Collaborates with Biomedical Genome Hubs Team to Utilize Whole Genome Sequiencing (WGS) Machines

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Organized a meeting with the Indonesian Inspector General of Health and the Biomedical Genome Hubs Team at Sanglah Hospital regarding the use and utilization of the Whole Genome Sequiencing (WGS) machine in Prof.'s room. Dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah. (14/6/2022)

The main agenda of discussion in this meeting is regarding the psoriasis program which will be carried out in collaboration with the Biomedical Genome Hubs Team at Sanglah Hospital / Udayana University,

This meeting was attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, S.Ked., SpOT(K)., Head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Dr. dr. I Gusti Nyoman Darmaputra, Sp.KK(K)., FINSDV, FAADV., Coordinator of the Research and Community Service Unit (UP2M), Dr. Agus Eka Darwinata, S.Ked., Ph.D., and the Coordinator of the Integrated Biomedical Laboratory Unit, Dr. rer. grout. dr. Ni Nyoman Ayu Dewi, S.Ked., M.Sc.

Meanwhile, the team from the Inspector General was led by Dr. Ines Irene Caterina Atmosukatto, Ph.D., and Jajah Fachiro, S.P., M.Sc., Ph.D, and their team.

In his speech, Dr. Eka conveyed Joint Decree and PKS have been made between Sanglah Hospital and Udayana University.

"I hope that this WGS tool can help support the program mandated by the Ministry of Health and hopefully this teamwork can continue to improve from day to day, so that the tools provided can be developed and provide satisfactory results and can contribute to the community." Say it

Meanwhile, Dr. Ines conveyed that the purpose of this visit was to facilitate communication so that good cooperation was established. It is hoped that in the future this team can form a sustainable ecosystem and can be passed on to future researchers.

The event was continued with a discussion session between the team from the Unud Medical Faculty and the Indonesian Ministry of Health's Biomedical Genome Hubs Team and then the team visited the Integrated Biomedical Lab (LBT). The NGS NextSeq 550 tool has been validated and is ready for sampling in the near future.