KMPA FK Unud Educates Sekehe Teruna Teruni (STT) Dharma Sadhu Mandung

Supporting the creation of a healthier society and caring for the prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS, the AIDS Care Student Community (KMPA) Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held a Socialization of HIV/AIDS and Mobile Health Services (SISKAMLING) 2022 at Banjar Adat Mandung, Kerambitan District, Tabanan (5 /6/2022).

This activity was attended by dr. I Made Oka Negara, S.Ked., FIAS. as the supervisor of BSO KMPA FK UNUD and Tjokorda Devitia as Chair of the BSO KMPA FK UNUD, as well as village officials including Kelian Dinas Br. Mandung, Nengah Sukada, Bendesa Adat Br. Mandung, I Wayan Sutarma and the Head of ST. Dharma Sadhu, Gede Nanta Wirawan.

The purpose of holding this year's SISKAMLING is so that the community structure with the target of teenagers (ST. Dharma Sadhu) can increase insight and disseminate information related to reproductive organ health and prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS.