Mangrove Planting and Cleaning Mangrove Area in the Beach Mass Clean Up BEM FK Unud

Sunday, May 29, 2022


The Department of Community Service, Student Executive Board, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held Mangrove Planting and Mangrove Cleaning at Pokmaswas Mina Werdhi Batu Lumbang, Pemogan, South Denpasar as a series of events from the function of the Beach Mass Clean Up Group II. Beach Mass Clean Up this time with the theme "Keep the Beach Clean and Preserve the Beach Population"


This activity was attended by Volunteers and Community Service Providers of BEM, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, and assisted and accompanied by Batu Lumbang fishermen.


The Beach Mass Clean Up was held with the aim of maintaining the cleanliness of the beach environment around Bali and increasing the contribution of students from the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in preserving nature and the surrounding population.