Undergraduate students of Law Faculty of Law UNUD Pass the IISMA 2022


Denpasar - 16 Unud students have passed the 2022 Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) Program and one of them is from the Faculty of Law Unud. I Made Halmadiningrat, a 2019 undergraduate student of Law Faculty of Law Unud, participated in the IISMA 2022 Program at Maastricht University, The Netherlands. The IISMA 2022 program aims to provide rights and opportunities for students to develop competencies and knowledge, as well as provide study experience at foreign universities as an implementation of the Independent Learning Program-Independent Campus from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Through the IISMA program students can take courses for self-development that are of interest and in accordance with the requirements that apply at partner universities abroad and the student's home university. In this program, students can study at universities abroad that are partners of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture for 1 (one) semester which can be equated to up to 20 credits. (UPIKS&IT FH Unud Team)