Implement socialization of PKM, KWU, and PPK ORMAWA 2022, FTP UNUD Targets Achievements at the National Level
The Student Executive Board of
the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University held the
Socialization of PKM, KWU, and PPK ORMAWA FTP 2022 in a hybrid manner in the
Reading Room of the GA Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus through Cisco Webex
Meeting. The Socialization Activities for the Student Creativity Program (PKM),
Entrepreneurship (KWU), and the Student Organization Capacity Building Program
(PPK Ormawa) were held for 2 days, Saturday and Sunday, May 14th-15th, 2022.
The first day was carried out by providing PKM and PPK Ormawa socialization and
the second day were filled with KWU talkshow material, namely the
Entrepreneurial Student Program (PMW) and the Entrepreneurial Student
Development Program (P2MW).
This event was officially opened
by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University,
Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D and attended by Deputy
Dean III of FTP Unud, Coordinator of Food Technology Study Program, Coordinator
of Industrial Agricultural Technology Study Program, Coordinator of
Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program, Coordinator of Masters
Study Program Food Technology, Assistant Lecturer for Student Institutions, and
All Heads of Student Institutions in FTP Unud.
On the First Day of
Socialization, Saturday, 14th May 2022, several activities were held which
presented several speakers, namely the PKM Webinar which was filled by Prof.
Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Sucipta, MP, PKM Sharing Session filled with Ms. Mentari
Kinasih, STP.MT. and the PPK Ormawa Webinar which was filled by Mr. Ketut
Sardiana. Meanwhile, on the second day, Sunday, May 15, 2022, it was the last
day in a series of socialization activities for PKM, KWU, and PPK Ormawa FTP
2022 which contained KWU talk show material, namely PMW and P2MW, which
presented speakers, namely Mrs. A.A. Istri Sri Wiadnyani, S. TP., M. Sc.
After the talk show related to
PMW and P2MW was held on the second day, the event was officially closed by the
Dean of FTP Unud 2022 who was represented by the Deputy Dean III of FTP Unud,
Mrs. Dr. Ir. Komang Ayu Nocianitri M.Agr.Sc. The head of the committee, Made
Ayu Shintya Dewi, reported that this outreach activity was carried out with the
aim of accommodating all students of FTP Unud in order to provide an
understanding of theory and practice related to PKM, KWU, and PPK ORMAWA. It is
hoped that in the future this activity can be used as a first step to improve
the competitive atmosphere and achievements of FTP Unud students, especially in
terms of making PKM, PMW and P2MW at the University level and even at the
National level.