Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University and the Denpasar City Cooperatives and MSMEs Department held IT Technology Bimtek

Monday, May 9, 2022,


The Denpasar City Cooperatives and UMKM Service in collaboration with the MIPA Faculty of Udayana University carried out Information and Technology (IT) Technical Guidance for 35 cooperative administrators, cooperative supervisors, and MSME activists in the Denpasar city area which was held in the Hall of the Postgraduate Building of Udayana University.


This 3-day activity from Monday 9 May 2022 - Wednesday11 May 2022 was attended by the Head of the Denpasar City Cooperatives and MSMEs Service and Heads of Divisions at the Service, the Dean of FMIPA Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D, Coordinator of the Informatics Study Program, Dr. I Ketut Gede Suhartana, S.Kom, M.Kom, the younger students and participants of BIMTEK invited the speaker from the Head of the Bali Province Cooperatives and SMEs Service-I Wayan Ekadina, SE., M.Si, Former Denpasar Mayor-Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, SE. M.Si, Kadek Puja Astawa, S.E. -Content Creator, Andi Yuda Prayoga-Senior Agency Manager-Chubb, Ni Nyoman Pudak Sari-Certified Digital Marketer, Ida Bagus Gede Dwidasmara, S.Kom, M.Cs-Lecturer of Informatics UNUD, and representatives from Bank BPD Bali.


This activity is carried out in an effort to support the technological transformation program for cooperatives and MSMEs in the Denpasar area, so that they are able to win the competition in the industrial era 4.0 and society 5.0. As is known, the rapid and massive development of information technology must be balanced with the mastery and use of technology itself. Mastery of technology such as the internet, websites, and social media as one of the digital marketing media is expected to be able to improve Soko Guru's performance which has an impact on increasing the ability to support national economic growth.


In her remarks, the Dean of FMIPA said that the collaboration that was built between the cooperative and UMKM offices of Denpasar City and FMIPA Udayana University was one of the efforts how universities were able to contribute to society. Informatics as one of the study programs at FMIPA will certainly be the front line in accelerating technology transformation programs, especially information technology which is also a work program from regional leaders. Informatics is not a new science, but informatics is a science that has a very high speed of development. For this reason, it is very appropriate if young potentials in the field of informatics are involved in strengthening all aspects of society, especially aspects of information technology. Since its establishment in 2006 in an effort to respond to the community's need for computer/informatics study programs, FMIPA is very focused on the latest developments. FMIPA also encourages the informatics community to always be at the forefront of information technology matters. Watiniasih hopes that what has been carried out for 3 days can give many things to Cooperative and MSME Managers in the Denpasar City area. Watiniasih also hopes that what is received in this BIMTEK can be disseminated to other communities in need. As a final word, Watiniasih expressed her gratitude for the cooperation that has been carried out between the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs with FMIPA Unud, hopefully this collaboration can continue to be carried out in various activities that are no less interesting and important, not to forget Watiniasih also thanked the committee that was fronted by I Gede Santi Astawa, S.T, M.Cs for their hard work in organizing this activity.


The activity which was carried out for 3 days contained various interesting materials including:

  1. Cooperative Digital Transformation policy by the head of the Denpasar City Cooperative Agency, I Wayan Ekadina, SE., M.Si
  2. understand the Disruption Phenomenon by the Former Mayor of Denpasar - Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, SE. M.Si
  3. Build a brand with Video, Practice making promotional videos - Kadek Puja Astawa, S.E.
  4. Enabling the Website as a digital marketing medium - Andi Yuda Prayoga
  5. Enabling social media as digital marketing - Ni Nyoman Pudak Sari
  6. Cooperative digital marketing - Ida Bagus Gede Dwidasmara, S.Kom, M.Cs
  7. Non-cash transaction education - Bank BPD Bali
  8. Planning, follow-up and implementation - Andi Yuda Prayoga and Ni Nyoman Pudak Sari


After the implementation of BIMTEK, it is hoped that cooperatives can transform into the digital era.