ADR and Arbitration in the Construction Industry

ADR and Arbitration in the Construction Industry

As skyscrapers erect, apartment buildings emerge, and infrastructure materializes all around Indonesia and throughout ASEAN, APEC, or OBOR countries, one symptom of progress is certain: construction disputes.  When matters go wrong, a neutral dispute mechanism is important. In fact, most construction contracts now outline dispute resolution procedures involving mediation, adjudication, and arbitration or often a combination of all three. These impartial procedures, specifically international arbitration, are designed to protect foreign investors seeking to redress injury by providing an impartial, law-based approach to resolve construction contract disputes. The seminar will provide both an insight and an appreciation of commercial arbitration and its role within the global construction legal landscape, especially within large and complex projects involving multiple foreign contractors. Are you a government official responsible for negotiations of construction contracts, an attorney frequently involved in representing an investor in international construction dispute resolution proceedings, a member of in-house counsel responsible for drafting and reviewing cross-border construction contracts, an international arbitrator aspiring to add or improve expertise in construction arbitration, a civil servant in state construction policies, a professor or student looking to increase real-time knowledge, or an investor aiming to understand construction dispute further? If so, this seminar is ideal for you! At BIAMC, we merge practical, comprehensive curriculum with unparalleled instruction from top foreign and domestic construction arbitration experts currently working within a myriad of markets.