The history of the establishment of the Study Program: Old Java Literature Study Program was originally called the Department of Language and Literature of Old Javanese established on September 29 1958 in conjunction with the opening of the Faculty of Letters of Udayana was part of the University of Airlangga. Since the establishment of the University of Udayana on the date of August 17, 1962 and in 1963 the Department of Language and Literature of Old Javanese was officially under Udayan University Faculty of Letters; now the Faculty of Literature and Humanities University of Udayana. In 1985, the Department of Language and Literature of Old Javanese became the Study Program of Old Javanese under Department of Local Literature with Language Study Program and Study Program of Language and Literature of Bali. In 2010 stood alone under the name of the Old Javanese Literary Study Program.
Study Program (PS): Old Javanese Literature
Date of Establishment Certificate of Study Program: August 17 1962
Certificate Number of Study Program Establishment (*): 104 year 1962
Certificate of Study Program Establishment: 9454/D/T/K-N/2011
Certificate Date of Establishment: November 04 2011
Certificate of Accredication: 429/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/XI/2014
Last Accredication Grade: B
Accredication Validity Date: November 02 2014 until November 01 2019
Homepage and E-mail PS: jurusanjawaKuno2010@yahoo.com
Vision Mission
Vision of Old Javanese Literature Study Program of Literature and Humanity Faculty of Udayana University is “Realizing Old Javanese Literature Study Program which is competent, independent and cultured”
- Establishing education of Language and Literature of Old Javanese that has character and professional
- Conducting research and community service in the field of Old Javanese language and literature in accordance with the needs of the community and nation building.
- Establishing and fostering cooperation with various government and private institutions locally, nationally, and internationally

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 196102121988031001
Nama Pejabat : Prof. Dr. Drs. I Nyoman Suarka, M.Hum.
Periode Awal : 0000-00-00
Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00
Website :
Address : Jalan Pulau Nias No 13 Denpasar
Telephone : 0361 - 2224121
Email : jurusanjawaKuno2010@yahoo.com
Website : https://jawakuno.unud.ac.id/