Study Program Website

Brief History

Jurisprudence Master Study Program (S2) of Udayana University was established based on urgent demand to improve human resources, either legal officers, bureaucrats, educators, researcher, professional as well as managers in order to improve their ability in solving law problems which are getting more complex in local, national or international level with critical thinking as well as relevant argument.

The establishment of Jurisprudence Master Study Program of Udayana University concentrated on Law and Civil Court System was initiated by Prof. I Made Widnyana,SH., the Dean of Faculty of Law of Udayana University in 1990-1997 period. The proposal was arranged by team members, i.e. Purwati,SH,MH, I Gusti Ketut Ariawan, SH,MH, Drs Wayan Suandi,SH,MH, Ida Bagus Wyasa Putra,SH,MH, I Ketut Artadi,SH,SU, Ida Bagus Budhiawan,SH,CN, and Marwanto,SH,MH. The Dean of Faculty of Law of Udayana University then proposed the idea to Rector of Udayana University regarding the establishment of Jurisprudence Master Study Program plan which later would be proposed to Director General of Higher Education.

The Director General of Higher Education issued Letter No. 3718/D2/1996, asking Consortium of Jurisprudence to hold feasibility study upon the proposal from Udayana University. The results of feasibility study led by Prof. Dr. Koesnadi Hardjosoemantri and Dr. Harkristuti Karkrisnowo, SH, MH was delivered to the Director General of Higher Education with Letter No. 027UI/KIH/III/1997.

Based on the proposal and report, finally the Director General of Higher Education issued Decree No.71/DIKTI/Kep/1997 dated 7 April concerning  the Opening of Jurisprudence Master Study Program (S2) of Udayana University with Concentration on Law and Civil Court System.

After the establishment of the first Concentration, i.e. Law and Civil Court System, it was followed by the second and further concentration in Jurisprudence Master Study Program (S2) of Udayana University. The details are as follows.

  • In 2000 based on Decree of Rector of Udayana University No. 3902/J14/HK.01.23/2000, dated 14 December 2000, Concentration of Governmental Law was established.
  • In 2001 based on Decree of Rector of Udayana University No. 81/J14/HK/01.23/2001, Concentration of Law and Society was established.
  • In 2003 based on Decree of Rector of Udayana University No. 76/J.14/PR.01.10/2003, Concentration of Business Law was established.
  • In 2012, based on Decree of Rector of Udayana University No.113/UN.14/PR/2012, Concentration of Tourism Law was established. Proposal concerning the establishment of this tourism concentration raised from cooperation between Faculty of Law of Udayana University and Faculty of Law Maastricht University the Netherlands 2008-2012 period, considering the increasing needs of law in tourism development either in local, national, or international, so that it needs human resources who are able and competent along with the tourism law development itself.

Until now, added by the establishment of Tourism Law Concentration in early 2012, there are 5 (five) concentrations in Jurisprudence Master Study Program of Udayana University.

Based on Decree of BAN-PT No. 004/BAN-PT/Ak-X/S2/V/2012, the program is accredited B, which is valid from 31 May 2012 to 31 May 2017. The previous period was also accredited B.

The Jurisprudence Master Study Program (S2) of Udayana University managed by Chairman and Program Secretary from 1997 until 2013 is as follows:

  • 1997-2001 Period

          Chairman   : Prof. I Made Widnyana,S.H.

          Secretary    : Purwati,SH,MH.

  • 2001-2006 Period

          Chairman   : Prof. Dr. I Made Pasek Diantha,SH,MH.

          Secretary    : Dr. I Gusti Ketut Ariawan, SH,MH.

  • 2006-2008 Period

          Chairman   : Dr I. Gusti Ngurah Wairocana,SH,MH

          Secretary    : I Nyoman Suyatna,SH,MH

  • 2008-2012 Period

          Chairman     : Prof. Putu Sudarma Sumadi,SH,SU.

          Secretary    :  Putu Gede Arya Sumertha Yasa,SH,MH.

  • 2012-2016 Period

          Chairman     : Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan,SH,M.Hum,LLM.

          Secretary    : Dr Putu Tuni Caka Bawa Landra,SH,M.Hum

  • 2016-2020 Period

          Chairman     : Dr. Dewa Nyoman Rai Asmara Putra, SH.,MH

          Secretary    : Dr Putu Tuni Caka Bawa Landra,SH,M.Hum

Concentration Master Program (S2) Legal Studies

Master Program (S2) Legal Studies was founded in 1997 and until now has five (5) Concentration:

  1. Concentrations of Law and Criminal Justice System
  2. Concentration Government Law
  3. Concentration Law and Society
  4. Concentration in Business Law
  5. Concentration Law Tourism

Vision and Mission of Magister Law Science

Vision of Master Study Program (S2) of Jurisprudence is:

“To achieve Jurisprudence Master Study Program (S2) as the center of jurisprudence development that can answer challenges of law development either in national or global level by underlying on culture, so that it produce the graduates whose competitive advantage and civilized”

Missions of Jurisprudence Master Program (S2) are:

  1. To educate the graduates in order to become reliable, high-qualified, creative and competitive in law area according to needs of society by relying on legal culture of nation.
  2. To develop research of law that is concentrated  on actual problems needed by society and problems of law normatively which cause conflict, norm ambiguity and norm emptiness, so that it can give contribution in the form of problem solving in law.
  3. To implement law as dedication to society related to jurisprudence in social, national and international level for every citizen, lead to society’s obedience upon the law so that harmonious and prosperous society will be achieved.




Jabatan : Koordinator Program Studi

NIP : 19640915 199003 1

Nama Pejabat : Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerthayasa, SH.,MH

Periode Awal : 2018-02-02

Periode Akhir : 2022-02-02

Website :

Faculty Name : Magister Law Science
Address : Jl. P.B. Sudirman, Lantai I Gedung Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana Denpasar-Bali, 80235
Telephone : 0361 - 246354
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Website :