Study Program Website

A Brief History:

Legal issues in the field of notary has grown so rapidly in line with the growth of community and economic development on a world scale Indonesia.Perkembangan followed by advances in technology, making agreements and contractual civil growing and diverse. Thus, the era of globalization requires an increase in the skills and abilities parasarjana legal and Notary / PPAT to be able to compete with legal experts who came from other legal systems as a consequence of an increasingly complex economy and lasts beyond the borders of the country.

Developments in the era of globalization it is clearly demanding availability legal experts who have cross-scientific ability to understand, explain and have the skills, independence in solving the problems that are and continue to occur in the field of Law Kenotariatan.Seorang Notary / PPAT should be independent and pay attention to the interests of the parties in a balanced way, so that it can be expected occurrence of a legal transaction is orderly, fair and guaranteed certainty hukumnya.Seorang Notary / PPAT also demanded to perform legal discovery and legal establishment for the parties and formulate it in a wide variety deed made.

Legal Issues Notary present and the future in Indonesia in general and Bali in particular in the area as a tourist destination of the world, are expected to continue to grow increasingly broad and complex. Notary good many legal issues are local, national or international in Bali as a consequence of Bali as a world tourism destination. Meanwhile, according to data from the Directorate of Civil Notary Sub-Directorate, Directorate General of General Law Administration of the Department of Justice and Human Rights, that until February 2008 the presence of a notary in Indonesia as many as 8598 (eight thousand five hundred and ninety eight) people. The number reached 49.6% of the formations defined by the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights No. M.01-HT.03.01 of 2007 on Formation Notary, ie as many as 17 338 (seventeen thousand three hundred and thirty-eight) is calculated based on the entire population of Indonesia and for every 13,000 (thirteen thousand) population in each district / city can be lifted 1 (one) person notary. Meanwhile, in the area of ​​Bali until early January 2009 while the notaries who practice this is as much as 280 orang.Jumlah its existence has not been evenly distributed throughout the district / city in Bali. Most of the notary based in Badung, Denpasar, Tabanan and Gianyar, while in Karangasem, Bangli, Klungkung, Singaraja, and Jembrana, its presence is still limited.

On the other hand, since 2000 by the Director General of Higher Education Decree No. 80 / Dikti / Kep / 2000 notary education is no longer defined as a specialization program but set as Masters level education program (S-2) with the title of Master of Notary (M.Kn). As a Masters program, the alumni of the program Master of Notary currently does not always have to be a notary practitioners and / or the Land Deed Officer (PPAT). Besides, such a profession, alumni of the program Master of Notary today lecturers potential as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law of State Universities and private, as civil servants in the central government, provincial and district / city, as well as the employee / employees in companies private. It shows the potential for employment of graduates / alumni of the Master Program of Notary today become so widespread that Udayana University, especially the Faculty of Law, University of Udayana again as one of the largest public universities and the oldest in the province of Bali are called co-developed this course to be able to educate and produce alumni who are qualified and able to meet the needs of the labor market. In addition, the opening of the study program Master of Notary will be able to minimize unemployment intelekstual of alumni of the Faculty of Law of the State and private universities in Indonesia in general and Bali in particular by providing more capabilities in the field of Law Notary with spsesifikasi professionalism as in the preparation of the agreement, agrarian, deed of cooperation.

Before the school year 2006/2007, in the area of ​​Bali has been no college education Master Program of Notary. Starting the school year 2006/2007, the University of Udayana (cq, Faculty of Law, University of Udayana) is still fostered / collaboration with the Faculty of Law University of Brawijaya in organizing M.Kn. Program The Faculty of Law of the University of Udayana. Settings coaching / cooperation concerned governed by the Cooperation Agreement / Program Development Master of Notary Law Faculty of the University of Udayana-UB on the Implementation of Education Program Master of Notary No. 01 / Mkn / FH-UB / III / 2006, which has been updated with the Cooperation Agreement / Development Master Program of Notary between UB Faculty of Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Udayana No.1259 / J10.1.11 / LL / 2009 jo No. 665 / H14.1.11 / DN.07.02 / 2009 on the Implementation of Extension Education Program Master of Notary (MoU attached).

During the years 2006-2009 M.Kn Program implementation in Fak. Law Udayana University, Bali in particular the public interest and the people of Indonesia in general is very good to follow M.Kn Program in Fak. Law Udayana University indicated on the percentage of participants who selected with prospective students received is at least 2: 1. Composition student received during the year in the Master Program of Notary not only from Bali (potential applicants 600 people from 9 organizers Science Program Legal Bali), but also from West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Papua, Maluku, Sulawesi, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, with no rule also came from abroad, especially students from Malaysia are already underway in several study programs at Udayana University. Thus, prospective students of M.Kn in Fak. Law Udayana University, will mainly come from:

a. Bachelor of Law Alumni Universities in Indonesia

b. Alumni Law Degree Colleges in Indonesia

c. Notaries who are working and who have not worked

d. Private agencies whose background Bachelor of Law

e. Community members whose background Bachelor of Law

Starting from the above, Udayana University has an obligation to contribute to building human resources in the field of Legal Studies particularly in Law Notary who are professionally capable of serving the needs of the community. It is also in response to suggestions from the head of UB's Faculty of Law as stated in its letter No. 4544 / J10.1.11 / AK / 2008 regarding the Notification Deadline MoU (attached) to immediately memandirikan Master Program of Notary Cooperation / Development of the Faculty of Law, University of Udayana-UB became M.Kn Program Udayana University. Establishment of Master Program of Notary Udayana University has also received approval from the Senate, among others, the Faculty of Law Udayana University through senate meeting as well as the recommendations and support from professional institutions Notary Association Indonesia Bali-NTT No. 010 / PENGWIL / INI-BALI / IV / 09 as well as from the Institute of Regional Land Deed Officer Bali No. 007 / IPPAT-BALI / V / 2009 (attached).

Establishment M.Kn Program Udayana University, facilitated by a team of business and does Prodi MKn Development / Cooperation FH UB-Unud and leadership Fak.Hukum Udayana University is intended to equip students can independently M.Kn Program Udayana University with academic ability and professional skills appropriate in accordance with the needs of society and the job market in the area of ​​Bali. With the guarantee of professionalism of alumni then allows graduates to work in the legal professions requiring scientific capability and technical capability of Notary Law such as: Notary, PPAT, auction officials, Legal Consultant, corporations, banking, education, and the Civil Service Centre or area.

Starting from the experience of managing Magister Notary Program Development / Cooperation Fak. UB-Unud law and demands for Udayana University to participate to build human resources in the field of Law Notary who professionally has the academic ability and professional skills that enable graduates to work in the legal professions requiring scientific capability and technical capability of Notary Law such as: Notary, PPAT, officials Auctions, Legal Consultant, corporations, banking, and education. To that end, in June 2009 is referred for establishment of Notary Magister Program Udayana University to the Ministry of National Education. Proposed establishment also has been approved by, among others, from the Faculty of Law, University of Udayana Senate through the Senate meeting and the recommendations of the professional institutions Indonesian Notary Association Bali-NTT No. 010 / PENGWIL / INI-BALI / IV / 09 and the Association of Regional Land Deed Officer Bali No. 007 / IPPAT-BALI / V / 2009 as attached. The establishment of the University of Udayana M.Kn Program conducted by a team from the Faculty of Law, University of Udayana as attached.

The blessing of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Waca / God Almighty then proposed the establishment of Notary Magister Program Udayana University filed in June 2009 approved by its founding on April 28, 2010 from the Minister of Education and Culture. The agreement was stipulated in Decree of the Minister of National Education cq Director General of Higher Education through Decree 41 / D / O / 2010, which has been extended by the Decree of the Rector of Udayana University on behalf of the Director General of Higher Education Kemendikbud No. 14 393 / D / T / KN / 2013 on January 30, 2013 with a validity period until the date of 28 April 2016.

Later in the month of January to May 2013, the Master of Notary Program Udayana University has also followed the external evaluation process through study program accreditation by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education Kemendikbud. Based on the decision of the Chair of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education Kemendikbud No. 010 / BAN-PT / Ak-X / S2 / VII / 2012 on the Status, Value, ranking, and Validity Period of Master Program Accreditation Result In Higher Education dated July 27, 2012, the Program Master of Notary studies Udayana University set has accreditation status rank B with a validity period up to July 27, 2017. Similarly, in Julu 2013, the Program Master of Notary has obtained ISO 9001-2008 issued on July 17, 2013 with a validity period until July 16, 2016.

Vision Mission Magister of Notary Science

a. Vision
Vision Program Master of Notary Udayana University is a translation of the vision of the University of Udayana, Udayana University Graduate Program, and Faculty of Law Udayana Uiversitas. The vision of the University of Udayana is "Realization of Higher Education Institutions that Produce Human Resources Excellence, Self, and Cultured", Vision Udayana University Graduate Program is "The Graduate Program Udayana University in 2017 as a center for education and development of science, technology, and / or art by Principal Scientific Cultural Patterns that can produce alumni who are superior, independent, and cultured ", while the vision of the Faculty of Law, University of Udayana is" The Faculty of Law Udayana University as an institution of higher education that produces human resources who have a competitive advantage in the field of science and legal expertise cultured and devoted to God Almighty ". Referring to the vision, then that becomes a vision M.Kn Program Udayana University in the years 2010-2015 is "The Master Program of Notary in 2015 to produce graduates who are devoted, cultured, superior, and independent in the field of acquisition of knowledge, research, advocacy, and skills preparation of the deed in the Notary Law ".

b. Mission
Based on the defined vision, the mission of the Master of Notary Program Udayana University are:

  1. Managing Program with Master of Notary devoted to God Almighty and cultured for professionally can create an atmosphere of education, research, and community service were conducive and high performance;
  2. Develop a general knowledge of Legal Studies and Law Notary in particular;
  3. To produce graduates who are able to provide services in the field of Law Notary adequate, professional, and ensure legal certainty for the community and the business world in the field of tourism;
  4. Creating human resources academics Master Program of Notary are devoted to God Almighty and cultured for conducting a study program in a professional and qualified.


Jabatan : Koordinator Program Studi

NIP : 195604251985031003

Nama Pejabat : Prof. Dr. Made Subawa, SH.,MS

Periode Awal : 2018-01-18

Periode Akhir : 2022-01-18

Website :

Faculty Name : Magister of Notary Science
Address : JL. Pulau Bali No. 1, Sanglah Denpasar
Telephone : 0361 – 264812
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