Commodification of Crafts in Bali

It must have been very rare for us hearing “commodification”. What is “commodification” exactly? Commodification is derived from two words; “commodity” meaning goods or services of economic value and “modification” meaning changes in function or form of something. Therefore, “commodification” means to treat the products as a commodity whose ultimate goal is to be traded or changing something into a commodity (merchandise) that can be traded. The commodification cannot be separated from the understanding of capitalism which is always hooking everything is related to profit and loss. Commodity is defined as a result of production that is made to be exchanged in the market. In other words, the commodity is anything that is produced for sale. The commodification is believed to increase the number of applicants and is expected to improve the local economy. Regarding this topic about “commodification” is furthermore discussed in the journal entitled "Commodification of Crafts in Bali" written by Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha, Ni Wayan Sukarini, I Made Rajeg, and I Made Netra.

This paper aims to describe types of Balinese craft, and cause of commodification, especially regarding craft that has experienced dynamics from its original as a result of order (made to order) since the process of commodification occurs. Beratha stated that crafts in Bali were originally considered sacred, but now has been turned into a commodity. In terms of size and coloring Balinese craft has changed as anyone can order it. For instance, Garuda statue which was once sacred has now become a commodity. Currently the statue has become a decoration that can be bought by tourists because of the influence of tourism.

Some aspects have changed, like the shape, material, size, color, and making methods, for instance. Changes or the commodification made for craft products by Balinese artists as a result of the order (made to order), were resulted from two factors: internal and external factors. The later was due to crafts made to order from a customer which generally correspond to the market tastes. In addition, there was also a production pattern and tourism impact. As for the internal factors, the craftsmen in Kedisan, Ubud, and Celuk villages used their imagination to innovate creatively and create new designs of sculptures, panels, mirrors, jewelry, and paintings. They seemed to always follow the market tastes, making their product favored by consumers so that they could produce on a large scale.

Results of research conducted by Beratha, et al. (2015) about the implications of made to order in Balinese culture showed that the number of traditional sculptors in Bali was very few. Currently, most of the sculptors use machines to complete the order. It is caused by several factors; time, the number of orders, prices, types of wood (material), etc.