Registration for the 2024 UFONITY Competition

Udayana Competition and Charity (UFONITY) 2024 opens registration for the competition with the theme "The Diversity of Nusantara Culture" with competition branches and competition registration prices as follows:
1. Videography Competition (Rp. 45,000)
2. Photography Competition (Rp. 30,000)
3. Graphic Design Competition (Rp. 30,000)

The registration period starts from
July 8 - August 10, 2024

The competition guidebook can be accessed at the following link:

Registration Link:

What are you waiting for?
Register yourself immediately and don't miss this opportunity with your best work! 🤩✨️
We are waiting for your work, young generation

For further information, please contact:
👤 Agung Saputra
🆔 13agung09
📞 081239686032

👤 Mozza
🆔 mojaaa
📞 081284662270