Call for Paper: The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Technology Development (ICSTD)

Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Udayana menyelenggarakan the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Technology Development Based on Environmental and Cultural Awareness (ICSTD). Sub tema: Architecture and Local Wisdom; Ecology Architecture; Structure and Material; Transportation System and Engineering ; Water Engineering and Management; Geotechnical Engineering; Renewable Energy and Environment; Advance Material Technology; Information Technology and Multimedia; Artificial Intelligent Technology; Computer Vision; other related themes. Agenda: Konferensi akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 7 – 8 Oktober, 2010, dan dilanjutkan dengan trip yang akan dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu, 9 Oktober 2010 (Desa Penglipuran, Kintamani dan Danau Batur). Tempat Konferensi: Werdhapura Village Centre, Sanur-Bali, INDONESIA Important Dates: Deadline for abstract submission : June 1, 2010 Notification of acceptance : June 30, 2010 Deadline for full-paper submission: August 1, 2010 Conference : October 7-8, 2010 Mail address: DR. Eng. I Wayan Kastawan, ST., MA. Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Udayana Jl. P.B. Sudirman, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia Telp: (+62-361) 246163; Fax: (+62-361) 222820 Email: icstdbali[at] or  Atau Ir. Yenni Ciawi, Ph.D. Email: Detail dan Brosur: