Toward BALI GO ORGANIC, Student Executive Board Faculty of Agriculture UNUD Held Agriculture Discussion

Dr. Ir. Ni Luh Kartini, M.S when Giving Material on Food Day Discussion at Agrokomplek Building Sudirman Campus
Denpasar - Tuesday (October 16), Student Executive Board Faculty of Agriculture Udayana University held a Food Day discussion themed "Bali Go Organik". The event which took place in Agrokomplek Building Sudirman Campus was attended by Vice Dean III of Student, Affairs Faculty of Agriculture Unud, the lecturer of Faculty of Agriculture, and representatives of Faculty of Agriculture students in Bali.
I Komang Gede Suweca Harta, the chairman of this event who is also a member of Study Field VI of Strategic Study of Student Executive Board Faculty of Agriculture explained that this discussion is aimed to improve knowledge in agriculture and Bali Go Organic.
"Bali Go Organic is one of the government programs, so through this discussion, we can discuss about the problems in the field of agriculture, especially in realizing Bali Go Organic" Komang Gede Suweca said.
Students are When Giving the Questions to the Speakers in the Building Agrokomplek Sudirman Unud Campus
Moreover, in his speech he hopes that this activity can be implemented onwards, especially within the student organization.
"Students are not enough to do oration on the street, but students must also be able to provide solutions to solve a problem, one of them is through discussion" he said.
This discussion is also attended by three expert speakers in the field of agriculture, namely Ir. Wayan Sunarta, M.P. Head of TPH Department of Agriculture of Bali Province, Dr. Ir. Ni Luh Kartini, M.S. as an academician and lecturer of Faculty of Agriculture Udayana University, and I Dewa Nyoman Darmayasa, Sp., Mp. is a ractitioner who is active in agriculture.
In their presentation, the speakers explained the importance of organic agriculture in Bali, in terms of health and ecosystem sustainability. The government has prepared programs to Bali Organic, but this society is still not consistent in running it. This can be seen by the farmers who already use organic farming system but they use chemical fertilizers.