Get 128 Votes, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana Becomes Elected Candidate for Rector of Udayana University 2024-2028

Jimbaran - The Udayana University (Unud) Senate held a Plenary Meeting in the context of the 2024-2028 Udayana University Rector Election on Thursday, October 3 2024 at the Bangsa Room, Rectorate Building Jimbaran Campus. Apart from the Senate Members and Rector Candidates, the election of the Unud Rector was also attended by representatives from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, who in this case was represented by the Director of Resources, Dr. Lukman, ST., M. Hum. In accordance with technical instructions, the selection of Rector Candidates is carried out in a Closed Senate Meeting with the Minister or authorized official.

In the process of selecting the Rector, according to regulations the proportion of votes is 35 percent of the Minister's vote and 65 percent of the Senate's vote. The election process was opened by the Chairman of the Unud Senate and continued with the introduction of each Rector Candidate, a speech from the Director of Resources representing the Minister of Education and Culture, reading of technical instructions for the selection of Rector Candidates by the Chair of the Committee and reading of the Power of Attorney from the Minister's representative, information on ballot papers and voting techniques, counting the number of votes Minister and then proceed with voting.  Until the specified time limit, 84 of the 86 Senate members were present so that after calculating according to percentages, the number of votes for the Minister was 45 votes and the total number of votes was 129 votes.

From the voting process it was found that Rector Candidate Number 1 was named Dr. Drs. I Made Satriya Wibawa, M.Si received 1 vote, Rector Candidate Number 2 in the name of Dr. I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada, S.Pt., M.P received 0 votes and Rector Candidate Number 3 was Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D obtained 128 votes which were determined by the Unud Senate for further processing to the Ministry. From these votes, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana was the elected Rector Candidate by winning 128 votes.

Director of Resources Dr. Lukman in his speech said that today is a historic day and there are 86 members of the Senate who will determine who will lead Udayana University in the future. Whoever will be elected will of course be the result of all of our choices. This kind of change dynamic is a common thing, such as changing the cabinet from the old cabinet to the new one. He invited all members of the Senate to vote together for one of the candidates. The choices may be different, but whatever happens after that, we must maintain unity for the sake of Udayana University.

Chair of the Unud Rector Selection Committee, Prof. After the event, I Gusti Putu Bagus Sukaarjawa said that his party was grateful to the Senate and Ministerial Representatives that the process had run smoothly. The previous processes have also gone well, from dialogue and screening to three candidates which has gone well until today's final election process has gone very smoothly. He also expressed his gratitude to all the committees on duty who were very disciplined and each carried out their duties well. The enthusiasm for the presence of Senate members was also quite high, with only two people not attending and they really appreciated this.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Unud Senate, Prof. I Gede Mahardika said that the joint selection process with the Ministry was already underway and the next process was to send the results to the Ministry for confirmation and then a new Rector could be appointed at the Ministry.

"Hopefully this can be completed quickly so that the appointment of the Chancellor of Udayana University can be completed quickly. On behalf of the Senate, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the university leadership, to Senate members, committees and all components at Udayana University who have participated in The Rector election process will be a success," said the Chairman of the Senate.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana on a separate occasion expressed his gratitude on behalf of the leadership of Udayana University to all members of the Senate and Committee, so that this election process could run smoothly, safely and orderly and we would get a Rector Candidate according to the choice of the Senate Members. Of course, this will make the atmosphere more unified because it is the choice of the Senate Members who represent the entire Udayana University academic community, so they believe that the elected Rector Candidate will be supported by the entire academic community. The Rector hopes that the elected Rector Candidate can maintain the situation, order and unity while leading Udayana University. Of course, what is mandated by the entire academic community through the Senate Members is to really guard and guard it, do what is best for Udayana University. There are many things that must be done, one of which is PTNBH which we must immediately get, of course we cannot remain silent and we must try to do this. Then internationalization is also very important, we are not just proud at the national level but also at the international level. Prof. Ngakan also congratulated the elected Rector Candidate, hopefully he can carry out his duties and mandate well.

Elected Rector Candidate Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in a special interview after the Senate Plenary Meeting expressed his thanks to God Almighty for this gift and also expressed his gratitude for the trust of the Senate Members and also the Ministry who have entrusted him to lead Udayana University in the future. He hopes that the entire academic community will unite and unite to rebuild Udayana University in the future and become a large and advanced university in Bali and Indonesia, and will also be taken into account at the global level in the future. Meanwhile, the work program that will be carried out is in accordance with what has been stated in the vision and mission, where there will be strengthening, innovation and work culture at Udayana University.

"We will see which ones we have to improve, which ones we have to implement, several things, but later what programs we have prepared are in accordance with the vision and mission that we are carrying out. After being definitive, we will have a meeting and socialize the steps again to the "Leaders are working together to improve Udayana University," said the Elected Rector Candidate.