Udayana University's 161st Graduation Ceremony Released 1140 Graduates, 670 of whom Received the Cum Laude Predicate

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held an Academic Ceremony for the 161st Graduation Ceremony at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Saturday (31/8/2024). At the 161st Graduation Ceremony, the Rector of Udayana University released 1140 graduates so that currently Unud has 123,916 alumni. Graduation is the final series of formal learning that students and their families look forward to.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., IPU, in his report said that the number of graduates released today was 1140 people from Diploma, Professional, Bachelor, Specialist, Masters and Doctoral programs. Of the total number of graduates who received the title With Honors or Cum Laude, there were 670 people. Today's graduates are dominated by women, numbering 711 people, while there are only 429 male graduates. In terms of academic achievement, the GPA of female graduates is better than that of male graduates, where the average GPA for women is 3.82 while the average GPA for men is 3.78. The average study period for women is 7.53 semesters while for men the study period is 7.55 semesters.

"For the graduates, we hope that, through the education you have taken, you will not only master knowledge but also live an intelligent life by prioritizing a good personality at work and in society, always having dedication, innovation and collaboration at work," said the Vice Rector.

He also hopes that graduates will participate in online tracer study activities carried out by Udayana University. This is to obtain important information feedback from alumni for improvement, system development and management of higher education, including facilities, teaching and learning patterns, processes and services at Udayana University.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU in his speech said that this Graduation was a little special because it was in August, which is the 79th month of our country's independence, with the spirit of independence we achieved our goals. Graduation is a form of inauguration that students have completed education at a certain level. This is a form of Udayana University's responsibility to the Indonesian nation and state, especially in preparing quality and competitive human resources in the current global era. The graduates as alumni represent Udayana University in society. The behavior of alumni in society will be a reflection of this campus. Therefore, he advised alumni to help maintain the good name of their alma mater by always thinking, saying and doing good things.

"Continue to study, work intelligently and sincerely, and maintain the good name of your alma mater. Hopefully the knowledge you have gained can be implemented well for the progress of society, nation and state. Whatever you are, whoever you are, be a good one. Whatever you are ", whoever you are, be the best. Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it (Rabindranath Tagore). Everything belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it," said the Rector of Unud.

Through this opportunity, the Rector also expressed his congratulations and feelings of pride to the graduates, their parents and families.

Ni Putu Tifani Puspa Lestari, SS, who is the best graduate at the undergraduate level, as the representative of the graduates, in her impression and message, said that over the last few years, she has been on a journey at this people's revelation campus which of course gave a deep impression, apart from academic knowledge, she also learned about friendship, responsibility. responsibility, solidarity and how to become a better individual.

"We learned to face failure and learn from it to improve ourselves, we also learned to respect diversity in order to create a harmonious academic environment. Together we have succeeded in overcoming academic and non-academic challenges until we have arrived at this stage with great pride," he said .

All the difficulties faced are part of the process of character building to become a much more resilient and persistent person. Through this opportunity, Tifani also expressed her gratitude for the support from all parties, both at the Rectorate and the Faculty, for their guidance and knowledge which will be a valuable provision in the future.