Udayana University Holds Socialization for 2024 New Student Admissions, There are Additional Provisions in the Selection Process

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) held a 2024 New Student Admissions Socialization at the dr. A.A Made Djelantik Faculty of Medicine Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Tuesday (6/2/2024). This socialization was attended by participants from teachers and students representing SMA, SMK or equivalent in Bali who attended directly or joined online via the Zoom Meeting application.

Also attending this activity were the Rector of Unud and Vice Rector, Faculty Leaders, Bureau Heads and other guests. The socialization which was opened directly by the Rector of Unud presented three speakers, namely Dr. Dra. Ismaini Zain, M.Si as Coordinator of Public Relations and Promotion of SNPMB Kemendikbudristek, Prof. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P., IPU as Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Unud and Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D as Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Unud.

The material presented was the 2024 SNPMB Socialization Sharing Session (National Selection for New Student Admissions), Overview of Udayana University, Criteria for Searching for Independent Achievement Pathways (PJMP) for Udayana University in 2024 and KIP Lectures.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN.Eng in his speech said that registration for the 2024 New Student Admissions via the SNBP route will begin on February 14 2024. Currently, both students and the school are in the stages of creating SNPMB 2024 accounts and filling in the School Student Data Base (PDSS). Filling in the PDSS is a very important thing to understand because it relates to the data that will be input into the system and its validation is the school's responsibility. For this reason, understanding and equalizing perceptions are needed, so that there are no mistakes that will harm many parties, be it schools, students or universities of interest.

Udayana University, as one of the state universities that organizes New Student Admissions in 2024, considers it necessary to carry out SNPMB outreach to high schools or equivalent, especially those in Bali Province by presenting resource persons who are the Central SNPMB committee, in this case Dr. Ismaini Zain to provide important information related to this year's PMB process. Of course, there is new information regarding the policies of the Ministry that have been stipulated in the 2024 PMB.

"In this activity, we will also socialize the study program and PMB pathway at Udayana University which will be delivered by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja. In 2024, Udayana University also plans to reopen the achievement pathway, namely the Independent Achievement Pathway Search (PJMP), information about which will be provided by the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana," said the Rector.

He hopes that in this socialization, if there are things that are unclear or unknown regarding the 2024 PMB, participants will get as much information as possible from the sources present.

Resource Person for the Central SNPMB Committee, Dr. Ismaini Zain in his presentation revealed that there are additional provisions in the 2024 PMB, namely that students who have passed the 2024 National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), 2023 SNBP and 2022 National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN) selection cannot register for the National Selection Based on Tests ( SNBT) 2024. Students who are declared to have passed the 2024 SNBP selection route cannot register for the Independent selection route at any PTN.

Then participants who are declared to have passed through the 2024 SNBT route and have re-registered or registered at their target PTN cannot be accepted for the 2024 Independent Pathway selection at any PTN. The implementation of the SNBT route UTBK is carried out at 74 PTN UTBK centers and UTBK Sub-Centers which have a wider reach in several regions. The city location and test date can be seen on the official SNPMB website.